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Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

Titel: Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed
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laughed again and smacked his ass. He jumped a little. Hadn’t been expecting that.
    “You know turnabout is fair play, right? Just warning you that now I get to spank that luscious ass of yours,” he growled, unfastening his pants and sliding them down. He stepped out and, totally nude, turned around. He couldn’t find her at first, though. That unique pattern of swirling light and shadow he’d learned was Fiona didn’t appear.
    “I’m learning to mask any trace of myself, even from you,” she said, from the opposite corner of the room. “Did you know you have a lovely body?”
    Seemingly from thin air, her shirt flew through the air and hit him in the chest, followed shortly thereafter by the wisp of lace that was her bra. His breathing sped up, and his cock, already hard, swelled even more.
    “You want to put your hands on my lovely body?” he asked, stalking toward her. Or where he’d thought she was. He realized he was wrong when another scrap of lace hit him in the back. He whirled around and caught her underwear before it fell.
    “A trophy?” He held it up and grinned. “A keepsake?”
    “If you like spanking,” she purred, this time from near the bathroom door, “that can be arranged.”
    He caught his breath. His prim, proper Fiona was turning a little kinky for him. He liked it. His entire body tightened, and he thought he might go insane if he didn’t get her under him in the next few seconds.
    “Go lie on the bed,” she commanded. “On your back, arms out.”
    “If you—”
    “Now,” she said sternly. “Don’t make me punish you.”
    “Oh, by all the gods, I’m going to make you pay for this,” he warned. “I’m going to make you come so hard and so long that you’re screaming for a week.”
    He heard her quick, indrawn breath, but she quickly masked it.
    “Big talk, big man,” she taunted from near the bed. “Are you afraid of little old me?”
    Atlantis Betrayed – Warriors of Poseidon 06
    Page 149 of 188
    A silk scarlet ribbon waved in the air and then floated to the bed. Another quickly followed it.
    “Tie your left hand to the bedpost, then lie back and I’ll tie your right hand,” she ordered. “If you move, you lose points. If you touch me first, you lose points.”
    “And what do these points gain me?”
    She laughed a sultry, sexy laugh that shivered its way from his head to his toes by way of his cock. “Silly man. They gain you me.”
    He flew to the bed and did what she’d asked, although it took every ounce of determination to lie still when he felt her delicate fingers tying his wrist with the ribbon and tightening it.
    “Can you be good or do I need to tie your feet, too?” she teased.
    “I’ll be good,” he gritted out the words through clenched teeth, hoping that he wouldn’t spurt out of control and come all over himself at her first touch. He’d never been as aroused as he was with this woman. Never, in all the centuries of his existence.
    “Have your wicked way with me,” he invited. “Please.”
    Silence. For a moment, the thought crossed his mind that it had been an elaborate trick and now she’d gone off to shower and laugh at his foolishness. But then her mouth closed around the head of his cock and his entire body arched off the bed.
    “How’s that?” She gave him a long, slow lick.
    He moaned and his hips bucked involuntarily. He still couldn’t see her, though now he could once again distinguish the shadows that bent to hide her. It was like making love in a dream, almost unbearably erotic but still not enough.
    “I need to see you. I need to know it’s you touching me,” he said roughly. “Nobody else but you, ever again. Let me see you.”
    Slowly she appeared before him, curled around his hips. First she released the shadows, so she seemed to be made of pure light. Then she released the light and she was back. Fiona. Just Fiona. A miracle made into a woman, created especially for him.
    “I need you. Now. Please.”
    Fiona’s teasing response faded on her lips, as the intensity in Christophe’s face and voice captured her.
    She nodded.
    “Yes. I need you, too.” She rose above him and lowered herself on his erection, then slowly slid down its length until she rested against his body. “I need you now.”
    Atlantis Betrayed – Warriors of Poseidon 06
    Page 150 of 188
    She leaned forward and released the silk ties so he could hold her. He pulled her down into a desperate kiss, devouring her mouth as if
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