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Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

Titel: Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed
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    “What was that? What happened to me?” She wiped her wet face on her pillow and then sat up, taking deep breaths. “How did I see your memories?”
    “What you saw was actually my soul.” He sat up, too, pulling her close to him. He needed to be touching her. “That was an ancient Atlantean . . . ritual? Experience? I don’t even know what to call it. A blessing, perhaps. It’s called the soul-meld and what you experienced—no, what we experienced—was a journey through each other’s soul.”
    “But how is that even possible?” She trembled against him. “You saw my childhood, too? Lived through my pain? I don’t know what to say.”
    “I did, mi amara, and your soul is beautiful beyond the fantasies of the gods. You are courage and goodness made into light and formed especially for me. You must know that you are mine.” He pulled her into a tight embrace, wishing he could hold her there forever, just like that, with no vampires or Fae or missions to ever come between them.
    “What does that mean, that I am yours?” she asked, her voice muffled against his chest.
    He loosened his arms, but she didn’t pull away.
    “Is that some kind of magic binding? Do you—what does it mean? Can it be broken?”
    Atlantis Betrayed – Warriors of Poseidon 06
    Page 152 of 188
    He fought against the terror biting into him with sharp metal teeth. He’d finally found her and she wanted to find a way to escape him. He wanted to shout and rage against the injustice, but that would frighten her, and he found that he cared more about her feelings than his own. He almost laughed.
    Love, then, was a fool’s game.
    “Yes, it can be broken. Or at least, it can be ignored,” he said. “The most precious tenet of Atlantean life is free will. The soul-meld, though it comes but rarely and offers a gift beyond price to a relationship, can be turned down. Refused.”
    He inhaled a shuddering breath and said the hardest words he’d ever had to speak. “Tell me to go, and I will.”
    She put her hand up to his cheek and stared up at him, her blue eyes drowning with some emotion he couldn’t translate. “Christophe.”
    “Don’t,” he said, throwing himself away from her and out of the bed. “Don’t try to be kind. Don’t try to let me down easily. Just tell me to get out, and I’ll go.”
    He stopped, realizing he still asked too much. “No. You don’t even need to say the words. I’ll leave now.”
    He reached for the sheaths with his daggers and knocked over a vase of flowers. Instead of righting it, he hurled it against the wall and howled out the anguish that bubbled out of his chest until he thought it would consume him in its scarlet flame.
    “Christophe. Christophe, listen to me.” Fiona knelt beside him, though he didn’t know how or when she’d gotten there. She shook his shoulders again. “Christophe! Don’t make me smack your bottom again.”
    Tears ran down her face, silvery tracks not marring her incredible beauty but merely changing it, transforming it to something bittersweet. “I don’t want you to go. I love you.”
    He raised his head and stared at her. He thought she’d said . . .
    “You can’t go. Don’t leave me. We can figure this out. I love you, you crazy Atlantean madman,” she said, laughing and crying at the same time. “I’m not sure why you’d want a cat burglar, but you’re mine, too, so let’s make this work, okay? No more talk of leaving me. Not ever.”
    He couldn’t make a sound. He took her in his arms, swept her up off the floor and back into the bed, and made his clothes vanish with a thought. Before he could speak, or think, or even offer up a prayer of thankfulness to all the gods who might be listening, he was inside of her again.
    “Mine,” he said. “I love you, too. This is where I belong. For always, my princess, my ninja, mi amara.”
    She traced her fingertips down his spine and smiled. “What does that mean? Mi amara?”
    “My beloved. It means my beloved, and you are.”
    Atlantis Betrayed – Warriors of Poseidon 06
    Page 153 of 188
    Then he made love to her, gently and sweetly, for a very long time.
    His. She was his. He would never let her go.
    Fiona woke up gradually, swimming through sleep to consciousness in stages. First she realized her body was slightly sore, and she smiled at the memory of the lovemaking that had caused it. Then she remembered the rest of it, and her heart rate felt like it doubled as
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