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White Space Season 1

White Space Season 1

Titel: White Space Season 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Platt + Wright
Vom Netzwerk:
“It was good. At least better than that Everlasting bullshit.”
    “Ha,” Jon said, “no argument there.”
    Another six seconds of silence, then, “Okay, give me one.” Jon held out his hand.
    Cassidy filled it with a cigarette, then as she lit it asked, “Still smoke weed?”
    Jon took a big drag, then blew the smoke toward the sea and said, “Every chance I get.”
    She laughed. “Don’t suppose you brought any with you? Private jet and all?”
    He shook his head. “I fly commercial. Besides, aren’t you sober?”
    “Weed doesn’t count. It’s the pills I’ve gotta be careful with.” She took another drag, happy to have a break from hating Jon, however temporary it might be.
    “Think Johnson’s getting anything?”
    Cassidy narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “I don’t know, but if he hurt Emma, I’ll ruin his fucking life.” She pulled on her cigarette hard. “That fucker has no idea how small this island can get.”
    The first drop of rain spattered the concrete. Jon gestured up at the sky, then toward the overhang sloping over the front door of the station. He waved Cassidy forward, then hopped up the six steps of the porch just behind her. Chief Brady opened the door just as she hit the top step.
    “Sorry,” he said, lowering his head with a silent confession of the defeat in his news. “We’ve got nothing. I’m waiting to hear back from the officers on the scene, to see what they find in his house.”
    “I wanna see Houser,” Jon said. “I’ll pay his bail.”
    Brady shook his head. “Not necessary, Jon. No bail needed. I’m happy to let Mr. Houser go, but just so you know, Mr. Whistler can press charges.” He sighed before he added, “and he probably will.”
    It was hard for Cassidy to hear Jon clearly through his gritted teeth, but she would’ve bet the pill in her pocket he said, “I’d love to see him try.”
    Jon looked like he could’ve torn the head from a chicken. Cassidy flicked her cigarette over the ledge and into dirt that was already well on its way to mud, then took a step toward the chief.
    “What the fuck, Brady? There’s a missing nine year old girl on the island. What in the hell are you going to do about it? Emma could already be dead or dying or worse.”
    Cassidy wasn’t even sure what was worse than dead or dying, but her lip was quivering and her body was suddenly shaking with something more than what she’d expect from the sea’s chill or the pills’ itch.
    Brady stood his ground. Eyes soft, he said, “We’re doing our best, Cassidy. And there’s nothing I’m focused on more than Emma right now. I promise. We’re doing, and will continue to do, everything we can to find her.”
    Cassidy screamed, “Why don’t you let Paladin handle this? They’re obviously more suited to the search, with more cars, officers, weapons, and balls.”
    Brady kept his cool. “There are more than a dozen Paladin officers helping us right now, Cassidy. That’s generous enough.”
    “Bullshit!” Cassidy yelled. “That’s bullshit and you goddamn know it! They could send in a force, and you know there’d be at least two dozen of ‘em if there had been another break-in at one of their precious labs.”
    Cassidy waited for an answer, but if Brady had one he was keeping it to himself.
    “Why don’t you demand it, Brady, right now? Call Conway Industries and tell them there’s a missing nine year old girl on the island, and if she isn’t found pretty goddamn quick, her crazy aunt is just loony enough to call The Times and see what they say about the bazillionaire family who won’t let the local law share their pet police force to find her.”
    Though Cassidy’s entire body was shaking, it wasn’t vibrating too fast for her to miss the look of terror that tore through Brady’s eyes.
    “That won’t be necessary, Cassidy,” he said, holding her gaze. “Now, just calm down and we’ll figure this out.”
    Brady’s phone rang. He broke Cassidy’s gaze, then reached inside his pocket, fished for his the phone, and glanced at the screen. “Excuse me,” he said.
    Jon nodded. Cassidy stood rooted to concrete, staring, as Brady stepped inside the station.
    Jon looked at her, like he was smart enough to say nothing, then proved himself an idiot by opening his mouth anyway. “You okay, Cassidy?”
    Cassidy nodded, and Jon got stupider.
    “You know, you’re gonna have to settle down. Brady’s doing the best he can to find Emma. Everyone

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