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William Monk 09 - A Breach of Promise

William Monk 09 - A Breach of Promise

Titel: William Monk 09 - A Breach of Promise Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Anne Perry
Vom Netzwerk:
him for nothing. He had come south to London to make his fortune, assisted quickly by a man of wealth who had trained him in merchant banking until his own unjust prosecution and ruin.
    Then, burning with indignation, Monk had joined the police, driven by anger and filled with passion to right the intolerable wrongs he saw.
    That was so unlike Rathbone, who had studied law at Cambridge and risen easily from one position to another assisted by a mixture of patronage and his own brilliance.
    Only his sense of purpose was similar, his ambition to achieve the highest, and perhaps his love of the beautiful things of life, of elegance and good taste. In Rathbone it was natural to dress perfectly. He looked and sounded the gentleman he was. It took no effort whatever.
    For Monk it was an extravagance which had to be paid for by going without other things, but he never hesitated. Rathbone could not accuse him of vanity, but someone else might have, possibly even Hester herself, certainly Callandra Daviot. Rathbone had never known a woman who gave less considered thought to her appearance. But for all Monk’s natural elegance and carefully attentive grooming, he would never have the assurance Rathbone did, because it came with breeding and could not be acquired.
    “Thank you,” he repeated. “I’m obliged. If you will excuse me, I will go and see her immediately. I have no time to lose.”
    Monk nodded, a very slight smile on his lips. “But everything else,” he said dryly. “Let me know if I can help with your case, but it sounds hopeless to me. What is she like, this jilted lady?”
    “Young, pretty, even-tempered, sufficiently intelligent to be interesting and not enough to be daunting, and an heiress,” Rathbone replied, putting on his coat and opening the door for Monk, satisfied at the surprise in Monk’s face. “She also has a spotless reputation,” he added. “And she does not drink nor is she extravagant, sharp-tongued nor given to gossip. Have you a hansom waiting, or would you care to share one?”
    “I have one waiting,” Monk replied. “I assume you would like to share it with me?”
    “I would,” Rathbone agreed, and strode out briskly.
    The door of the Sheldon house was opened by a very young footman and Rathbone gave his name but did not offer him a card. He did not wish to make it appear a professional call.
    “I am a friend of Miss Latterly, who I believe is staying here temporarily,” he said. “I realize it is probably not a convenient time to call, but the matter is of some urgency, and I am prepared to wait, should that be necessary. Would you tell her this and ask Mr. Sheldon if it is permissible for one to interrupt Miss Latterly?” Then he offered the card.
    The footman took it, glanced at its expensive lettering and noted the title.
    “Yes, Sir Oliver, I’ll take it straightaway. Would you care to wait in the library, sir?”
    “Thank you, that would be excellent,” Rathbone accepted, and followed the man across a modest hallway to a most agreeable room lined on two sides with books and overlooking a small, rather exuberant garden, now full of lots of narcissi and early leaves of lupines. The stone wall he could see was festooned with the bare branches of honeysuckle and climbing roses, all greatly in need of pruning.
    The fire was not lit and the air was chilly. The house had the small signs of a family home acknowledging certain financial restrictions—not stringent, but there in the background. Resources were not unlimited. There was also a certain recent inattention to detail, as if the mind of the mistress had beenupon other things. He was forcibly reminded of Hester’s occupation, and with it came an unwelcome understanding of how important it was to her. He had never before known a woman who had any profound interest outside the home and family. He admired it—wholeheartedly and with an instinctive emotion he could not deny. It brought them closer together. It made her in many ways more like a man, less alien, less mysterious. It meant she could understand his devotion to his work, his dedication of time and energy to it. She would know why at times he had to cancel social engagements, why he would stay up all night pursuing a thought, a solution, why every other normal routine of life had to be bent, or even broken, when a case was urgent. It made her so much easier to talk to. She grasped logic almost without seeming effort.
    It also made her quite unlike the

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