1936 On the Continent
Germany are English.
The Olympiad
I remember when I was fifteen years old the first modern Olympiad took place at Athens. The fortieth anniversary of the revival of the Olympic Games on the occasion of the Eleventh Olympiad in Berlin will be especially festive. The Olympic flag will be brought by relays of runners from Greece to Berlin, 3,000 runners passing the flag on through Greece, Bulgaria, Jugoslavia, Hungary, Austria and Czechoslovakia. This unique run will last from July 20th to August 1st, and the entry of the last runners into the Olympic Stadium in Berlin will give the signal for the festal opening to the peaceful army of youth, from all countries and peoples.
One hundred thousand seats for the spectators are planned in the Stadium, which is the centre-point of the 325 acre State sports ground. Wonderful things are told of the Olympic village, nine miles from the Stadium, wherethe 3,500 competitors will be entertained as guests of the German Reichswehr.
A couple of days ago I saw my youngest son, who told me with feverish enthusiasm that he was going with a dozen of his school friends to the Olympiad. I looked somewhat doubtful, but he showed me his billeting ticket, from which I gathered to my astonishment that he is to be entertained with others for a mark a day, or one shilling in our money. I then enquired how this could be possible, and was told that the whole people are mobilised for the purpose of giving the hundred thousand foreign guests the best possible welcome. Although the hotels are mostly already booked up, one can obtain excellent private quarters for from 3 to 6 marks a day, prices are officially fixed and even the restaurants are controlled in order to protect the interests of the foreigner as far as possible. Although I cannot personally be in Berlin at this time, I shall give my son an Olympic Stadium pass, the finest present imaginable for him. With this he is entitled to one of the best seats in the Stadium for every event, and as the ticket is transferable he can give others the benefit of it. The whole thing will only cost me £5 in our money, and I must say it seems to me ridiculously cheap. It is no wonder that the so-called German quota is already sold out, but there are still places reserved for foreign guests.
Other events of the Olympiad
In addition to the Stadium the State sports ground possesses a wonderful swimming stadium with 18,000 seats, a riding ground where the various riding competitions take place, and, as on this occasion the sporting events are combined with cultural, the Dietrich Eckardt open-air theatre. I must confess that the name Dietrich Eckardt is totally unknown to me, but I gather that it is of great significance in the new Germany. The bearer of the name was in the forefront of the National Socialist movement and one of Hitler’s most intimate friends, but long before the seizure of power by the National Socialists he died in tragic circumstances. His plays, which even to-day are little understood by the great mass of the people, are now included in the repertoire of most of the State theatres in Germany.
In any case, I shall see the new Olympic tower, where the Olympic bell, which is familiar to me from pictures, will be hung. This bears the legend: “I call the youth of the world,” and the various events in which the best athletes in the world will compete in nineteen different forms of sport, will begin and end to its call.
I shall be specially interested in the rowing regattas, being an old rowing man. These take place at Grünau on the Spree, the German Henley. I wonder if the Spree can compete with our Thames? The sailing races take place at Kiel, which should also be visited. This is the largest harbour in Germany for battleships, and the
of Kiel Week, which was an historic event in the days of the Kaiser.
It is strange how one changes merely in the making of plans. I should never have thought that there would be so much to interest me and that I should want to see so much, and I cannot understand why I waited so long.
Important events of the summer, 1936
A few days after I retired I was asked whether I had any wish to take part in local Government, for instance to stand for election to the Borough Council. I could not then make up my mind, but perhaps I shall have an opportunity to attend the International Borough Congress which is to take place between July 7th and 13th, and which would certainly be most stimulating.
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