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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
poison right back in your eye. This deal was cooked up by Whiskeyjack and Dujek. You feel like cursing someone, try them.'
    'Curse Whiskeyjack and Onearm? Not a chance.'
    'Then stop your grumbling.'
    'Addressing your superior in that tone earns you the role of duffer today, Corporal. Maybe tomorrow, too, if I feel like it.'
    'Gods,' she muttered, 'I do hate short men with big moustaches.'
    'Gettin' all personal, are ya? Fine, y'can scrub the pots and plates tonight, too. And I got a real complicated meal in mind. Hare stuffed with figs—'
    Picker sat up, eyes wide. 'You're not gonna make us eat Spindle's hairshirt? With figs?'
    'Hare, you idiot! The four-legged things, live in holes, saw a brace of 'em in the foodpack. With figs, I said. Boiled. And rubyberry sauce, with freshwater oysters—'
    Picker sat back with a groan. 'I'll take the hairshirt, thanks.'
    The journey had been gruelling, with few and all too brief rest-stops. Nor were the Black Moranth much in the way of company. Virtually silent, aloof and grim – Picker had yet to see one of the warriors shed his or her armour. They wore it like a chitinous second skin. Their commander, Twist, and his quorl were all that remained of the flight that had transported them to the foot of the Barghast Range. Captain Paran was saddled with the task of communicating with the Black Moranth commander – and Oponn's luck to him, too.
    The quorls had taken them high, flying through the night, and the air had been frigid. Picker ached in every muscle. Eyes closed once more, she sat listening to the other Bridgeburners preparing the gear and food supplies for the journey to come. At her side, Antsy muttered under his breath a seemingly endless list of complaints.
    Heavy boots approached, unfortunately coming to a halt directly in front of her, blocking out the morning sun. After a moment, Picker pried open one eye.
    Captain Paran's attention, however, was on Antsy. 'Sergeant.'
    Antsy's muttering ceased abruptly. 'Sir?'
    'It appears that Quick Ben's been delayed. He will have to catch up with us, and your squad will provide his escort. The rest of us, with Trotts, will move out. Detoran's separated out the gear you'll need.'
    'As you say, sir. We'll wait for the snake, then – how long should we give him afore we chase after you?'
    'Spindle assures me the delay will be a short one. Expect Quick Ben some time today.'
    'And if he don't show?'
    'He'll show.'
    'But if he don't?'
    With a growl, Paran marched off.
    Antsy swung a baffled expression on Picker. 'What if Quick Ben don't show?'
    'You idiot, Antsy.'
    'It's a legit question, dammit! What got him all huffy about it?'
    'You got a brain in there somewhere, Sergeant, why not use it? If the mage don't show up, something's gone seriously wrong, and if that happens we're better off hightailing it – anywhere, so long as it's away. From everything.'
    Antsy's red face paled. 'Why won't he make it? What's gone wrong? Picker—'
    'Ain't nothing's gone wrong, Antsy! Hood's breath! Quick Ben will get here today – as sure as that sun just rose and is even now baking your brain! Look at your new squad members, Sergeant – Mallet, there, and Hedge – you're embarrassing the rest of us!'
    Antsy snarled and clambered to his feet. 'What're you toads staring at? Get to work! You, Mallet, give Detoran a hand – I want those hearth-stones level! If the pot tips because they weren't, you'll be sorry and I ain't exaggerating neither. And you, Hedge, go find Spindle—'
    The sapper pointed up the hill. 'He's right there, Sergeant. Checking out that upside-down tree.'
    Hands on hips, Antsy pivoted, then slowly nodded. 'And it's no wonder. What kinda trees grow upside-down, anyway? A smart man can't help but be curious.'
    'If you're so curious,' Picker muttered, 'why not go and look for yourself ?'
    'Nah, what's the point? Go collect Spindle, then, Hedge. Double-time.'
    'Double-time up a hill? Beru fend, Antsy, it's not like we're going anywhere!'
    'You heard me, soldier.'
    Scowling, the sapper began jogging up the slope. After a few strides, he slowed to a stagger. Picker grinned.
    'Now where's Blend?' Antsy demanded.
    'Right here beside you, sir.'
    'Hood's breath! Stop doing that! Where you been skulking, anyway?'
    'Nowhere,' she replied.
    'Liar,' Picker said. 'Caught you sliding up outa the corner of my eye, Blend. You're mortal, after all.'
    She shrugged. 'Heard an interesting conversation between Paran and Trotts. Turns out that

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