A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 4
Tanal Yathvanar , Karos's personal assistant
Rautos Hivanar , Master of the Liberty Consign of
Venitt Sathad , Rautos's principal field agent
Triban Gnol , Chancellor of the New Empire
Nisall , First Concubine of the old emperor
Janall , deposed empress
Turudal Brizad , ex-consort
Janath Anar , a political prisoner
Sirryn Kanar , a palace guard
Brullyg (Shake) , nominal Ruler of Second Maiden Fort
Yedan Derryg (The Watch)
Orbyn 'Truthfinder' , Section Commander of the
Letur Anict , Factor in Drene
Bivatt , Atri-Preda of the Eastern Army
Feather Witch , Letherii slave to Uruth
Rhulad , ruler of the New Empire
Hannan Mosag , Imperial Ceda
Uruth , Matriarch of the Emperor and wife to Tomad
K'risnan , warlocks of the Emperor
Bruthen Trana , Edur in palace
Brohl Handar , Overseer of the East in Drene
Yan Tovis (Twilight) , Atri-Preda of the Letherii Army
Varat Taun , her lieutenant
Taralack Veed , a Gral agent of the Nameless Ones
Icarium , Taralack's weapon
Hanradi Khalag , a warlock of the Tiste Edur
Tomad Sengar , Patriarch of the Emperor
Samar Dev , a scholar and witch from Seven Cities
Karsa Orlong , a Toblakai warrior
Taxilian , an interpreter
Redmask , an exile who returned
Masarch , a warrior of the Renfayar Clan
Hadralt , War Leader of Ganetok Clan
Sag'Churok , a bodyguard to Redmask
Gunth Mach , a bodyguard to Redmask
Torrent , a Copperface
Natarkas , a Copperface
Seren Pedac , a Letherii Acquitor
Fear Sengar , a Tiste Edur
Kettle , a Letherii orphan
Udinaas , a Letherii runaway slave
Wither , a shadow wraith
Silchas Ruin , a Tiste Andii Ascendant
Ulshun Pral , an Imass
Rud Elalle , an adopted foundling
Hostille Rator , a T'lan Imass
Til'aras Benok , a T'lan Imass
Gr'istanas Ish'ilm , a T'lan Imass
Tavore Paran , Commander of the Bonehunters
Lostara Yil , Second to Tavore
Keneb , Fist in the Bonehunters
Blistig , Fist in the Bonehunters
Faradan Sort , Captain
Madan'tul Rada , Faradan Sort's lieutenant
Grub , adopted son of Keneb
Beak , mage seconded to Captain Faradan Sort
8th Legion, 9th Company
4th Squad
Fiddler , sergeant
Tarr , corporal
Koryk , half-blood Seti, marine
Smiles , Kanese, marine
Cuttle , sapper
Bottle , squad mage
Corabb Bhilan Thenu'alas, soldier
5th Squad
Gesler , sergeant
Stormy , corporal
Sands , marine
Shortnose , heavy infantry
Flashwit , heavy infantry
Uru Hela , heavy infantry
Mayfly , heavy infantry
7th Squad
Cord , sergeant
Shard , corporal
Limp , marine
Ebron , squad mage
Crump (Jamber Bole) , sapper
Sinn , mage
8th Squad
Hellian , sergeant
Touchy , corporal #1
Brethless , corporal #2
Balgrid , squad mage
Tavos Pond , marine
Maybe , sapper
Lutes , squad healer
9th Squad
Balm , sergeant
Deadsmell , corporal
Throatslitter , marine
Galt , marine
Lobe , marine
Widdershins , squad mage
12th Squad
Thom Tiss y, sergeant
Tulip , corporal
Ramp , heavy infantry
Jibb , medium infantry
Gullstream , medium infantry
Mudslinger , medium infantry
Bellig Harn , heavy infantry
13th Squad
Urb , sergeant
Reem , corporal
Masan Gilani , marine
Bowl , heavy infantry
Hanno , heavy infantry
Saltlick , heavy infantry
Scant , heavy infantry
8th Legion, 3rd Company
4th Squad
Pravalak Rim , corporal
Honey , sapper
Strap Mull , sapper
Shoaly , heavy infantry
Lookback , heavy infantry
5th Squad
Badan Gruk , sergeant
Ruffle , marine
Skim , marine
Nep Furrow , mage
Reliko , heavy infantry
Vastly Blank , heavy infantry
10th Squad
Primly , sergeant
Hunt , corporal
Mulvan Dreader , mage
Neller , sapper
Skulldeath , marine
Drawfirst , heavy infantry
Banaschar , the Last Priest of D'rek
Withal , a Meckros Swordsmith
Sandalath Drukorlat , a Tiste Andii, Withal's wife
Nimander Golit , a Tiste Andii, offspring of Anomander
Phaed , a Tiste Andii, offspring of Anomander Rake
Curdle , a possessed skeletal reptile
Telorast , a possessed skeletal reptile
Onrack , a T'lan Imass, unbound
Trull Sengar , a Tiste Edur renegade
Ben Adaephon Delat , a wizard
Menandore , a Soletaken (Sister of Dawn)
Sheltatha Lore , a Soletaken (Sister of Dusk)
Sukul Ankhadu , a Soletaken (Sister Dapple)
Kilmandaros , an Elder Goddess
Clip , a Tiste Andii
Cotillion , The Rope, Patron God of Assassins
Emroth , a broken T'lan Imass
Hedge , a
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