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A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring)

A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring)

Titel: A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Morgan Rice
Vom Netzwerk:
walked out into the
corridors of the castle, and as they went, Thor could see all sorts of
people—women, men, squires, guards, knights—staring at him, as if they had been
waiting for him to wake. He also saw something new in their eyes, something
like respect. It was the first time he had seen it. Up until now, most everyone
had looked at him with something like disdain—now they looked at him as if he
were one of them.
    “What exactly happened?” Thor
racked his brain, trying to recall.
    “Don’t you remember any of it?”
Reece asked.
    Thor tried to think.
    “I remember running into the
wood. Fighting with that beast. And then…” He drew a blank.
    “You saved Elden’s life,” Reece
said. “You ran fearlessly into the wood, on your own. I don’t know why you
wasted energy on saving that prig’s life. But you did. The King is very, very
pleased with you. Not because he cares about Elden. But he cares very much
about bravery. He loves to celebrate. It’s important to him, to celebrate
stories like this, to inspire the others. And it reflects well on the king, and
on the Legion. He wants to celebrate. You’re here because he’s going to reward
    “Reward me?” Thor asked,
dumbfounded. “But I didn’t do anything!”
    “You saved Elden’s life.”
    “I only reacted. I only did what
came naturally.”
    “And that’s exactly why the King
wants to reward you.”
    Thor felt embarrassed. He didn’t
think his actions deserved rewarding. After all, if it hadn’t been for Erec,
Thor would be dead right now. Thor thought about it, and his heart filled with
gratitude for Erec, once again. He hoped that one day he could repay him.
    “But what about our patrol duty?”
Thor asked. “We didn’t finish it.”
    Reece put a reassuring hand on
his shoulder.
    “Friend, you saved a boy’s life.
A member of the Legion. That’s more important than our patrol.” Reece laughed.
“So much for an uneventful first patrol!” he added.
    They finished walking down yet
another corridor, two guards opened a door for them, and Thor blinked and found
himself in the royal chamber. There must have been a hundred knights standing
about the room, with its soaring cathedral ceilings, stained glass, and weapons
and suits of armor hung everywhere on the walls like trophies. The Hall of
Arms. It was the place where all the greatest warriors met, all the men of The
Silver. Thor’s heart raced as he surveyed the walls, all the famous weaponry,
the armor of heroic and legendary knights. Thor had heard rumors of this place
his entire life. It had been his dream to see it for himself one day. Normally
no squires were allowed here—no one but The Silver.
    Even more surprising, as he
entered, real knights turned and looked at him— him —from all sides. And
they wore looks of admiration. Thor had never seen so many knights in one room,
and had never felt so accepted. It was like walking into a dream. Especially
since just moments before, he had been fast asleep.
    Reece must have noticed Thor’s
dumbfounded face.
    “The finest of The Silver have
gathered here to honor you.”
    Thor felt himself well with pride
and disbelief. “Honor me? But I’ve done nothing.”
    “Wrong,” came a voice.
    Thor turned and felt a heavy hand
on his shoulder. It was Erec, grinning down.
    “You have displayed bravery and
honor and courage, beyond what was expected of you. You nearly gave up your
life to save one of your brethren. That is what we look for in the Legion, and
this is what we look for in The Silver.”
    “You saved my life,” Thor said to
Erec. “If it weren’t for you, that beast would have killed me. I don’t know how
to thank you.”
    Erec grinned down.
    “You already have,” he answered.
“Don’t you remember the joust? I believe we are even.”
    Thor marched down the walkway
towards King MacGil’s throne, at the far end of the hall, Reece on one side of
him and Erec on the other. He felt hundreds of eyes on him, and it all felt
like a dream.
    Standing around the King were his
dozens of counselors, along with his eldest son, Kendrick. As Thor approached,
his heart swelled with pride. He could hardly believe the King was granting him
an audience again—and that so many important men were here to witness it.
    They reached the king’s throne,
MacGil stood, and a muted hush overcame the room. MacGil’s ponderous expression
broke into a wide smile, as he took three steps forward and to Thor’s

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