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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
Vom Netzwerk:
including the entire staff of Flaming Luck Enterprises, to know that.“
    „People will talk.“
    „Hell, they’re already talking. I’ve told you that. Might as well give them something to talk about.“
    „Easy for you to say.“
    „If you’re worried about being the subject of gossip, then relax,“ he retorted tightly. „I’ll fire anyone who says a word out of line. Once a couple of loudmouths have been shown the door, you won’t have a thing to worry about.“
    Her mouth trembled in a small smile. „You’re so incredibly arrogant. Have you always gotten everything you’ve ever wanted?“
    He stared at her, not sure how to answer that. „No,“ he said finally and offered no further explanation.
    The brief flash of amusement faded from her face. Her eyes were suddenly alive with shrewd curiosity. „What is it you once wanted and didn’t get?“ she asked softly.
    Instantly he regretted the impulse that had driven him to an honest answer. „Never mind. It’s not important. Stop trying to change the subject.“ He would have to watch himself around this woman. She was too perceptive. She was getting to know him too well. Already she could predict his moods and second-guess his demands on the job. If he wasn’t careful, she would learn to read him even more intimately. Having her move in with him was risky, he realized suddenly.
    But it was worth the risk, Kyle decided. He was prepared to throw caution to the winds if it meant having Rebecca firmly established in his life. He would count on the Stockbridge luck to keep him balanced on the high wire he was walking.
    „I’ll think about it, Kyle,“ Rebecca said slowly.
    „Not a chance,“ he vowed. „If I let you think about moving in with me, you’ll talk yourself out of it. You can be as stubborn as I am. Say yes, Rebecca. Say it now. Tonight. Let me handle anything that develops at the office.“
    „Can you handle anything that develops there?“ she asked dubiously.
    „Of course I can,“ he exploded tightly. „I’m the boss!“
    „Oh, that’s right,“ she said with an air of mocking surprise, „I keep forgetting.“
    For an instant he thought she was serious. Then he saw the mischief in her eyes and he groaned. „I can see why there might be some confusion on the topic,“ he said dryly. „A lot of people are beginning to wonder who’s running things at Flaming Luck. The line of whining petitioners at your office door is several times longer than it is at mine these days.“
    „Only because you’re such an ogre.“
    „Thanks. Well, at least you know you’ve got job security. I wouldn’t dare get rid of you now. The rest of the staff would probably quit on me within five minutes.“
    „Tell me something, Kyle. If I refuse to move in with you, will I still have job security?“
    He froze, anger flaring up once more. He controlled it. „That’s a damned fool question.“
    „I have to know,“ she said simply.

    „What kind of bastard do you think I am?“ he demanded. „We both know you’d quit on the spot if I tried to use your job to coerce you into doing what I want.“
    „So if I refuse, you won’t fire me?“
    „Hell, no. I won’t fire you. But I won’t stop making love to you, either. And one of these nights you’re going to stop worrying about what everyone at the office thinks, and you’ll decide to trust me. You know it and I know it. It’s inevitable. So why not say yes tonight?“
    Her smile was soft and mysterious and edged with promise. „Yes,“ she said quietly.
    Kyle held his breath, wondering if he’d heard right. He’d been preparing a few more arguments, readying whatever ammunition he could find to talk her into doing what he wanted. But the battle appeared to be over. He wouldn’t need to fire another shot. Relief surged through him. She was his.
    „Tomorrow is Saturday,“ he said. „We’ll get you moved in this weekend.“ He wanted to consolidate his victory quickly before Rebecca started chipping away at it. He’d seen her in action before when he’d put his foot down at the office. She would give in very demurely, and then she’d find ways to tunnel underneath the edifice of his Big Decision until she had exactly what she wanted. On more than one occasion Kyle had found himself left with a presidential edict that had been subtly stripped of all its teeth.
    She caught her breath. „This weekend? You’re that sure?“
    „I’m that sure,“ he said

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