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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
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pressure and detected a stinky aroma. Good heavens, the creature is alive . Startled, but not yet frightened, she dropped the creature back on the rock ledge, stepping back. As she watched, the creature slowly opened its eyes. They then shut, just as slowly, as if in great pain. A weak mewing sound emanated from its body, yet its mouth failed to move.
    Netty felt suddenly weak and fell down flat on her generous bottom, her skin tingling. The creature’s eyes opened again and watched her. It did not move. Perhaps it can’t , she thought. Maybe I should take it home? She could nurse it back to health. They stared at each other for several minutes, the creature on the ledge, Netty on the chamber floor. She wondered how long she had been inside the cavern. She should be getting home to bed but she realized she no longer felt bone tired. Standing up, she discovered her feet no longer hurt. She dismissed her good fortune, just grateful she would now have the strength to walk back through the cavern and home with the tiny creature in her arms.
    Brushing herself off, she approach gingerly, trying not to frighten the creature. Carefully, she slid her hands under its sunken belly, giving extra support to its head. It mewed again. Looking into its expressionless face, it also blinked, staring at her but offering no protest. Easy she thought, I don’t want it to bite me, although it looks like it surely does not have the strength . She placed the creature up over her shoulder, like you would an infant and gently rubbed its back to reassure it.
    “There, there little girl, Netty will take care of you.” Slipping off her apron, she placed it around the little creature’s pitiful shoulders and started her trek out of the cavern and back home.
    The Oolahan had felt the emotions of the life source as it headed toward The Hive. It could feel the life source was benevolent but in pain. That always made things more difficult. It knew pain made other creatures unpredictable and dangerous. It could not have that. A noise outside its chamber had announced the arrival. The life source stepped into sight. It was a female; a Sister, a mature one. Could that make a difference? She was staring, seemingly transfixed. That’s good, a little closer, it prayed. And yes . The Sister placed her hands on the Oolahan, allowing it to suck in the life giving energy that would nourish it back to health. How did she know? How wonderfully easy; since its tail now had enough energy to expel, it let loose on the Sister in a gesture of gratitude. It could sense great worry from the Sister . Why was that? Could she not see? The Oolahan stared at her as it tried to understand her actions. The Sister stared back. It felt the Sister picking it up. It panicked, mewing; a complaint, but relaxing as the Sister rubbed its back. Things are clearly out of control, the Oolahan thought, as it felt the Sister place a cloth over it as she walked out of the cavern with the Oolahan over her shoulders.

Chapter 3
    Netty struggled with the unwieldy broken door of the cabin, juggling the creature as she fought with the warped boards that were her protection from the elements. The creature made no further sounds as she trudged with her burden from the woods, her wayward gold coin having been returned to its hiding place, under her bodice.
    She went directly to her old straw mat by the fireplace. Fresh straw and a good sweep and dusting had made the room serviceable. Much of her mama’s possessions had been ransacked or stolen. Having purchased a used rocker and some pots, she knew a warm fire and something in their stomachs was all they needed for now. She set the creature gently on the straw mat and got busy making a fire. Soon the cabin filled with the sounds of crackling wood and warm air that moodily pushed away the evening chill.
    She finally had time to sit in her split oak rocker as her dinner pot simmered over the fire. She studied the creature as it appeared to study her, its expressive eyes now appearing bright and swirly with color . How odd, yet beautiful . The little thing looked dead, but she clearly was mistaken. But whatever injury or illness griped it could still cause its death.
    Netty decided she must give the poor creature an exam. She approached it carefully, although she no longer feared it would bite. She saw its limbs appeared shrunken and withered with a sort of attachment at the end of what appeared to be its legs. The attachment looked like

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