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Brother Cadfael 03: Monk's Hood

Brother Cadfael 03: Monk's Hood

Titel: Brother Cadfael 03: Monk's Hood Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Ellis Peters
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sprig, embraced and kissed by just such a clandestine light, her parents believing her abed and asleep in virginal solitude.
    At this pass he had momentarily forgotten all the women he had known between, east and west, none of them, he hoped and believed, left feeling wronged. "I'll be with you before night," he said, and withdrew to the safety of the winter air outside.
    Good God, he thought with reverence, making his way back by the parish door in good time for Prime, that fine piece of young flesh, as raw and wild and faulty as he is, he might have been mine! He and the other, too, a son and a grandson both! It was the first and only time that ever he questioned his vocation, much less regretted it, and the regret was not long. But he did wonder if somewhere in the world, by the grace of Arianna, or Bianca, or Mariam, or - were there one or two others as well loved here and there, now forgotten? - he had left printings of himself as beautiful and formidable as this boy of Richildis's bearing and another's getting.
    Chapter Five
    It was now imperative to find the murderer, otherwise the boy could not emerge from hiding and take up his disrupted life. And that meant tracing in detail the passage of the ill-fated dish of partridge from the abbot's kitchen to Gervase Bonel's belly. Who had handled it? Who could have tampered with it? Since Prior Robert, in his lofty eminence within the abbot's lodging, had eaten, appreciated and digested the rest of it without harm, clearly it had been delivered to him in goodwill and in good condition. And he, certainly without meddling, had delivered it in the same condition to his cook.
    Before High Mass, Cadfael went to the abbot's kitchen. He was one of a dozen or so people within these walls who were not afraid of Brother Petrus. Fanatics are always frightening, and Brother Petrus was a fanatic, not for his religion or his vocation, those he took for granted, but for his art. His dedicated fire tinted black hair and black eyes, scorching both with a fiery red. His northern blood boiled like his own cauldron. His temper, barbarian from the borders, was as hot as his own oven. And as hotly as he loved Abbot Heribert, for the same reasons he detested Prior Robert.
    When Cadfael walked in upon him, he was merely surveying the day's battlefield, and mustering his army of pans, pots, spits and dishes, with less satisfaction than the exercise should have provided, because it was Robert, and not Heribert, who would consume the result of his labours. But for all that, he could not relax his hold on perfection.
    "That partridge!" said Petrus darkly, questioned on the day's events. "As fine a bird as ever I saw, not the biggest, but the best-fed and plumpest, and could I have dressed it for my abbot, I would have made him a masterwork. Yes, this prior comes in and bids me set aside a portion - for one only, mark! - to be sent to the guest at the house by the mill-pond, with his compliments. And I did it. I made it the best portion, in one of Abbot Heribert's own dishes. My dishes, says Robert! Did anyone else here touch it? I tell you, Cadfael, the two I have here know me, they do what I say, and let all else ride. Robert? He came in to give his orders and sniff at my pan, but it was all in one pan then, it was only after he left my kitchen I set aside the dish for Master Bonel. No, take it as certain, none but myself touched that dish until it left here, and that was close on the dinner hour, when the manservant - Aelfric, is it? - brought his tray."
    "How do you find this man Aelfric?" asked Cadfael. "You're seeing him daily."
    "A surly fellow, or at least a mute one," said Petrus without animosity, "but keeps exact time, and is orderly and careful."
    So Richildis had said, perhaps even to excess, and with intent to aggrieve his master.
    "I saw him crossing the court with his load that day. The dishes were covered, he has but two hands, and certainly he did not halt this side the gatehouse, for I saw him go out."
    But once through the gate there was a bench set in an alcove in the wall, where a tray could easily be put down for a moment, on pretence of adjusting to a better balance. And Aelfric knew his way to the workshop in the garden, and had seen the oil dispensed. And Aelfric was a soured man on two counts. A man of infinite potential, since he let so little of himself be known to any.
    "Ah, well, it's certain nothing was added to the food here."
    "Nothing but wholesome wine and

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