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Brother Cadfael 19: The Holy Thief

Brother Cadfael 19: The Holy Thief

Titel: Brother Cadfael 19: The Holy Thief Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Ellis Peters
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mysterious and elaborate coffin so strangely jettisoned in the forest beyond Ullesthorpe.
    "I am King Stephen's sheriff of Shropshire," said Hugh, "and in pursuit of that same errant saint. If your lord has her safe and sound, he is entitled to the prayers of all the brothers of Shrewsbury, and of half Wales into the bargain."
    "No man's the worse for an extra prayer or two," said the steward, visibly thawing. "Go within, brothers, and welcome. Robin here will show you. We'll see your beasts cared for."
    The boy, perhaps sixteen years old, pert and lively, had waited their pleasure with stretched ears and eyes bright with curiosity when their errand was mentioned. Some younger son from among Leicester's tenants, placed by a dutiful father where he could readily get advancement. And by his easy manner, Hugh judged, Leicester was no very hard master for such as met his standards. This lad bounded up the steps ahead of them, his chin on his shoulder, eyeing them brightly.
    "My lord came down here from the town when he heard of these outlaws passing this way, but never a glimpse of them have we encountered since. They'll be well out of reach before this. He'll welcome diversion, if you have so curious a tale to tell. He left his countess behind in Leicester."
    "And the reliquary is here?" demanded Prior Robert, anxious to have his best hopes confirmed.
    "If that is what it is, Father, yes, it's here."
    "And has suffered no damage?"
    "I think not," said the boy, willing to please. "But I have not seen it close. I know the earl admired the silverwork."
    He left them in a panelled solar beyond the hall, and went to inform his master that he had unexpected guests; and no more than five minutes later the door of the room opened upon the lord of half Leicestershire, a good slice of Warwickshire and Northampton, and a large honour in Normandy brought to him by his marriage with the heiress of Breteuil.
    It was the first time Hugh had seen him, and he came to the encounter with sharp and wary interest. Robert Beaumont, earl of Leicester like his father before him, was a man barely a year past forty, squarely built and no more than medium tall, dark of hair and darker of eyes, rich but sombre in his attire, and carrying the habit of command very lightly, not overstressed, for there was no need. He was cleanshaven, in the Norman manner, leaving open to view a face broad at brow and well provided with strong and shapely bone, a lean jaw, and a full, firm mouth, long-lipped and mobile, and quirking upward at the corners to match a certain incalculable spark in his eye. The symmetry of his body and the smoothness of his movements were thrown out of balance by the slight bulge that heaved one shoulder out of line with its fellow. Not a great flaw, but insistently it troubled the eyes of guests coming new to his acquaintance.
    "My lord sheriff, reverend gentlemen," said the earl, "you come very aptly, if Robin has reported your errand rightly, for I confess I've been tempted to lift the lid on whatever it is they've brought me from Ullesthorpe. It would have been a pity to break those very handsome seals, I'm glad I held my hand."
    And so am I, thought Hugh fervently, and so will Cadfael be. The earl's voice was low-pitched and full, pleasing to the ear, and the news he had communicated even more pleasing. Prior Robert melted and became at once gracious and voluble. In the presence of a Norman magnate of such power and dignity this other Norman Robert, monastic though he was by choice, harked back to his own heredity, and blossomed as if preening before a mirror.
    "My lord, if I may speak for Shrewsbury, both abbey and town, I must tell you how grateful we are that Saint Winifred fell into such noble hands as yours. Almost one might feel that she has herself directed matters in miraculous fashion, protecting herself and her devotees even among such perils."
    "Almost one might, indeed!" said Earl Robert, and the eloquent and sensitive lips curved into a gradual and thoughtful smile. "If the saints can secure at will whatever their own wishes may be, it would seem the lady saw fit to turn to me. I am honoured beyond my deserts. Come, now, and see how I have lodged her, and that no harm or insult has been offered her. I'll show you the way. You must lodge here tonight at least, and as long as you may wish. Over supper you shall tell me the whole story, and we shall see what must be done now, to please her."
    His table was lavish, his

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