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, 19. Mai 2009, online verfügbar unter http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aTDcelSOTQU4&refer=home ; »Bank of Japan to Spend £8bn Buying Shares Held by Banks«,
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J. Madeleine Nash, Bruce Van Voorst und Alexander L. Taylor III: »The Growing Bankruptcy Brigade«,
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Chairman Ben S. Bernanke: »The Crisis and the Policy Response«, Stamp Lecture, London School of Economics, London, England,
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7. Ausgaben rauf, Steuern runter?
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Jason Scott Smith:
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|439| Ihori, Toshihiro, Toru Nakazato und Masumi Kawade: »Japan’s Fiscal Policies in the 1990s.«
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Siehe z. B. Kenneth N. Kuttner und Adam S. Posen: »The Great Recession: Lessons for Macroeconomic Policy from Japan«,
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Paul Studenski und Herman E. Krooss:
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Siehe z. B. http://www.federalreserve.gov/Pubs/Feds/2009/ 200945/ 200945pap.pdf.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation:
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