Das Kapital (Gesamtausgabe)
amount of his own share, though by a process which lessens the whole amount, he will often do it: this is competition." ("An Inquiry into those principles respecting the nature of demand etc.", London 1821, p. 105).
S. 234, Note 35
"We should also expect that, however the rate of the profits of stock might diminish in consequence of the accumulation of capital on the land, and the rise of wages, yet the aggregate amount of profits would increase.
Thus, supposing that, with repeated accumulations of 100,000 £, the rate of profits should fall from 20 to 19, to 18, to 17 per cent., a constantly diminishing rate; we should expect that the whole amount of profits received by those successive owners of capital would be always progressive; that it would be greater when the capital was 200,000 £, than when 100.000£; still greater when 300,000 £; and so on, increasing, though at a diminishing rate, with every increase of capital. This progression, however, is only true for a certain time; thus, 19 per cent. on 200.000 £ is more than 20 on 100.000 £; again 18 per cent. on 300.000 £ is more than 1299
19 per cent. on 200,000 £; but after capital has accumulated to a large amount, and profits have fallen, the further accumulation diminishes the aggregate of profits. Thus, suppose the accumulation should be 1,000,000 £, and the profits 7 percent., the whole amount of profits will be 70.000 £; now if an addition of 100.000 £ capital be made to the million, and profits should fall to 6 per cent.. 66.000 £ or a diminution of 4000 £ will be received by the owners of stock, although the whole amount of stock will ha increased from 1.000.000 £ to 1.100.000 £." Ricardo, "Pol. Econ.", chapt.VII ("Works", ed. MacCulloch, 1852, p. 68. 69).
S. 248, Note 36
"They contend the equality of profits will be brought about by the general rise of profits; and I am of opinion that the profits of the favoured trade will speedily submit to the general level." ([Ricardo, "Pol. Econ.",]
"Works", ed. MaCulloch, p. 73.)
S. 290, Note 38
... "the transport of commodities from one place to another." ([Ramsay,] "An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth", p. 19.)
"in the existing economical arrangements of society, the very act, which is per formed by the merchant, of standing between the producer and the consumer, advancing to the former capital and receiving products in return, and handing over these products to the latter, receiving back capital in return, is a transaction, which both facilitates the economical process of the community, and adds value to the products in relation to which it is performed." ([S. P. Newman, "Elements of Pol. Ec." (Andover and New York 1835),] p. 174.)
... "since it adds value to products, for the same products, in the hands of consumers, are worth more than in the hands of producers" (...) "strictly [...] an act of production." (p. 175.) S. 318f., Note 40
"Profit, on the general principle, is always the same, whatever be price; keeping its place like an incumbent body on the swelling or sinking trade . As, therefore, prices rise, a tradesman raises prices; as prices fall, a tradesman lowers price." (Corbet, "An Inquiry into the Causes etc. of the Wealth of Individuals". London 1841, p. 20.)
"The profit of trade is a value added to capital which is independent of price, the second" (speculation) "is founded on the variation in the value of capital or in price itself." (l.c.p. 128.) S. 329f., Note 43
"De Wisselbank heeft haren naam niet ... van den wissel, wisselbrief, maar van wisselen van geldspecien. Long vóór het oprigten der Amsterdamsche wisselbank 1609 had men in de Niederlandsche koopsteden reeds wisselaars en wisselhuizen, zelfe wisselbanken ... Het bedrijf dezer wisselaars bestond daarin, dat zie de talrijke verscheidene muntspeciën, die door vreemde handelaren in het land gebragt worden, tegen wettelijk gangbare munt inwisselden. Langzamerhand breidde hun werkkring zich uit ... zij werden de kassiers en bankiers van hunne tijd. Maar in die vereeniging van de kassierderij met het wisselambt zach de regering van Amsterdam gevaar, en om dit gevaar te keeren, werd besloten tot het stichten eener groote inrigting, die zoo wel het wisselen als de kassierderij op openbaar gezag zou verrigten. Die inrigting was de beroemde Amsterdamsche Wisselbank van 1609. Evenzoo hebben de Wisselbanken van Venetië, Genua, Stockholm, Hamburg haar ontstaan aan de gedurige
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