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Dead in the Family

Dead in the Family

Titel: Dead in the Family Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Charlaine Harris
Vom Netzwerk:
“I’m Sookie Stackhouse.” I stood aside. I didn’t offer to shake hands; vampires don’t do that.
    Heidi nodded to me and stepped into the house, darting quick looks around her, as if openly examining her surroundings were rude. Hunter came running into the living room, skidding to a stop as he saw Heidi. She was tall and bony, and possibly a mute. However, now Hunter could test my words.
    “Heidi, this is my friend Hunter,” I said, and waited for Hunter’s reaction.
    He was fascinated. He was trying to read her thoughts, as hard as he could. He was delighted with the result, with her silence.
    Heidi squatted. “Hunter, you’re a fine boy,” she said, to my relief. Her voice had an accent I associated with Minnesota. “Are you going to be staying with Sookie for long?” Her smile revealed teeth that were a little longer and sharper than the general run of humans’, and I thought Hunter might be scared. But he eyed her with genuine fascination.
    Did you come to eat supper with us? he asked Heidi.
    Out loud, please, Hunter, I said. She’s different from humans, but she’s not like us, either. Remember?
    He glanced at me as if he were afraid that I was angry. I smiled at him and nodded.
    “You gonna eat supper with us, Miss Heidi?”
    “No, thank you, Hunter. I’m here to go back in the woods and look for something we’re missing. I won’t disturb you any longer. My boss asked me to introduce myself to you, and then go about my work.” Heidi stood, smiling down at the little boy.
    Suddenly, I saw a pitfall right in front of me. I was an idiot. But how could I help the boy if I didn’t educate him? Don’t let her know you can hear things, Hunter, I told the child. He looked up at me, his eyes amazingly like my cousin Hadley’s. He looked a little scared.
    Heidi was glancing from Hunter to me, obviously feeling that something was going on that she couldn’t discern.
    “Heidi, I hope you find something back there,” I said briskly. “Let me know before you leave, please.” Not only did I want to know if she found anything, but I wanted to know when she was off the property.
    “This should take no more than two hours,” she said.
    “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, ‘Welcome to Louisiana,’ ” I told her. “I hope you didn’t mind too much, moving here from Las Vegas.”
    “Can I go back to color?” Hunter asked.
    “Sure, honey,” I said. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
    “I gotta go potty,” Hunter called, and I heard the bathroom door close.
    Heidi said, “My son was his age when I was turned.”
    Her statement was so abrupt, her voice so flat, that it took me a moment to absorb what she’d told me.
    “I’m so sorry,” I said, and I meant it.
    She shrugged. “It was twenty years ago. He’s grown now. He’s a drug addict in Reno.” Her voice still sounded flat and emotionless, as if she were talking about the son of a stranger.
    Very cautiously, I said, “Do you go see him?”
    “Yes,” she said. “I go to see him. At least I did before my former—employer—sent me here.”
    I didn’t know what to say, but she was still standing there, so I ventured another question. “Do you let him see you?”
    “Yes, sometimes. I called an ambulance one time when I saw he’d overdosed. Another night, I saved him from a vamp-blood addict who was going to kill him.”
    A herd of thoughts thundered through my head, and they were all unpleasant. Did he know the vampire watching him was his mother? What if he OD’d in the daytime, when she was dead to the world? How would she feel if she wasn’t there the night his luck finally ran out? She couldn’t always be on hand. Could it be he’d become an addict because his mother kept popping up when she should be dead?
    “In the old days,” I said, because I had to say something, “vampires’ makers left the area with the new vamps as soon as they were turned, to keep them away from their kin, who’d recognize them.” Eric and Bill and Pam had all told me that.
    “I left Las Vegas for over a decade, but I returned,” Heidi said. “My maker needed me there. Being part of the world isn’t as great for all of us as it is for our leaders. I think Victor sent me to work for Eric in Louisiana to get me away from my son. I wasn’t any use to them, they said, as long as Charlie’s troubles were distracting me. But then again, my skill in tracking was only discovered when I was finding the man who sold bad drugs to

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