Deathstalker 02 - Deathstalker Rebellion
where he was, openly stunned. The newcomer stood before his namesake, arms folded across his great chest, his gaze level and challenging. Owen and Hazel looked at each other, but neither could think of anything to say for the life of them. Ruby Journey glared
at the newcomer, one hand resting instinctively on her holstered gun.
"You can't be Jack," she said flatly. "You're nowhere near old enough, for a start."
"I've been through several heavy-duty regenerations," said the younger Jack Random. "Which is why I've been out of things for so long. The Empire almost finished me. But now I'm back, better than ever, and I'm here to head your rebellion." He smiled at Storm, who was still blinking dazedly. "Good to see you again, Alex. It's been a while since we fought together on Cold Rock."
Storm realized his mouth was hanging open and closed it with a snap. "You look just like him," he said slowly. "Younger, but…"
"Well?" said Finlay Campbell. "Is he the real Jack Random or not?"
"I don't know!" said Storm. "I don't know what to think." He looked at the older Random beside him. "You look like him, too. Older, but… I can't tell."
"I can," said Ruby. "I've fought beside the real Jack Random, and he's standing right here at my side. Anyone has a problem with that, they can step right up and be measured for a coffin." She glared at the young Random, who just smiled back at her.
"Loyalty. I admire that in a warrior."
"Oh, pardon me while I puke," said Owen, not bothering to lower his voice.
"Doesn't it strike anyone here as odd that this perfect knight in shining armor should turn up out of nowhere, claiming to be the legendary Jack Random, just when we're starting to put things together? At best, he's deluded. At worst, he's a plant sent to divide us. I say we show him the door and boot him through it. As far as I'm concerned, we've already got the real Jack Random, and we don't need some poseur imposter. Right, Jack?"
"I don't know," said the older Random. "What if he's right? What if that is the
real Jack Random, and I'm just a duplicate? He looks and sounds the part much more than I do. The Empire had me captive for a long time; maybe they cloned me, and I'm the clone. It would explain why my memories are so patchy in places."
"That was the Empire mind techs," said Ruby. "They could screw up anybody's mind. Everyone knows that. More likely this is the clone standing before us, sent to confuse us, like the Deathstalker said."
"If he was, he's doing a damn good job," said Hazel.
The older Random looked at Storm. "You said we were together at Cold Rock, but I don't remember that. Were you there with me?"
"Yes," said Storm. "I don't see how you could forget that. We fought side by side, almost died together. You were taken, and I only escaped being captured by the skin of my teeth. I never saw you again. And now, I don't know what to think."
"What we need is an esper," said Hazel. "Get the two Randoms together before a telepath, and let him sort it out."
"That wouldn't necessarily work," said Giles. "They could both genuinely believe they're who they say they are.
Empire mind techs could make you believe anything, even in my day. No, what we need is a genetest. That'll reveal which one is the clone."
"No problem," said the young Random. "I'm on my way to the Wolfling World to join you. You can run some tissue samples then. I'll be with you soon. And then I'll lead you all in a rebellion that will finally topple the Iron Bitch from her Throne."
The crowd broke into loud applause. Many cheered. It was obvious they found it much easier to believe in the young, charismatic hero rather than the older,
gaunt, and shabby man who'd previously claimed the legendary name. Though he hated to admit it, Owen could understand why. When he first met Random on Mistworld, he hadn't wanted to believe it, either. He'd wanted to meet a hero out of legend, too. Someone just like the man who stood before him now.
"I'll be here soon," the young Random repeated as the applause finally died away. "It'll then be up to you to decide who is really who, and how you can make the best use of me in the coming rebellion. It is a time for heroes, my friends.
A time for men of goodwill and honor to side together against an evil that cannot be permitted to continue!"
He had to stop again as he was interrupted by more applause and cheers. He smiled and bowed, and then his holo was gone, and the applause died raggedly away. Silence
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