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Deathstalker 07 - Deathstalker Return

Deathstalker 07 - Deathstalker Return

Titel: Deathstalker 07 - Deathstalker Return Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Simon R. Green
Vom Netzwerk:
follow directions to the nearest city. It's a bit of a walk, but you can probably use the exercise. You'll be met atMissionCity , which is
    absolutely stuffed full of fascinating history about this planet. If you care for that sort of thing. Be sure to buy some souvenirs, as they're cluttering up the place. Talk to Hellen Adair, and she'll get you to Tobias Moon. And behave yourselves—the Deathstalker name buys you a certain amount of leeway, and Moon's usually a pretty good judge of character, for an ex-Hadenman, but even so…"
    "We're not welcome," said Lewis, interrupting a speech that threatened to go on forever. "Trust me, we get the point."
    "Tourists," Natashia said succinctly, "are like hemorrhoids. They come down, they hang around, they turn red, and they're a pain in the arse. Land and be damned, and see if I care. And don't contact me again. I have some serious napping to be getting on with."
    The comm line went dead. Brett sighed heavily. "It's all going to end in tears, I know it."

    The Hereward touched down uneventfully at the St. Beatrice Memorial Starport. It was the only ship on the landing pads. Lewis led the way out, after instructing Ozymandias to run full security measures at all times, but not to shoot anyone unless he felt he absolutely had to. The group gathered outside the airlock and blinked about them in the gray light from the overcast sky. The landing pads were barely half a mile in diameter, surrounded on all sides by the savage crimson jungle. Not all that surprising there was no one there to greet them. No control tower, no customs post, no signs of human civilization at all. It was raining, a sullen persistent drizzle that dampened the spirit as well as everything else. Saturday sniffed loudly, unimpressed.
    "This is what you woke me up for? It's cold, it's wet, and the trees are the wrong color. I suppose you're going to tell me next that I'm not allowed to kill anyone here?"
    "Not without asking first," Lewis said firmly. "We want to make a good impression."
    "Then we should leave Brett in the ship," said Jesamine.
    "Fine by me," said Brett. "I don't mind. Really."
    "Shut up, Brett," said Lewis. He checked the directions he'd been given against his internal compass.
    "MissionCityshould be… that way. Two and a half miles, as the crow flies."
    "We have to walk?" said Jesamine. "Isn't there any transport laid on for visitors in expensive shoes?"
    "There aren't any roads here," said Lewis. "According to what I read in the files, civilization is an occasional thing on Lachrymae Christi. The trip shouldn't be too bad. The jungle's a lot tamer now than it was in Owen's day. Come on, people; the sooner we get started, the sooner we'll be there."
    "I hate people who say cheerful things like that," Brett muttered to Rose as they set out across the landing pad. "Don't you just hate people who say cheerful things like that?"
    Rose nodded solemnly.
    They headed for the waiting tree line. It was all very quiet, apart from the restless pattering of the rain.
    No sound anywhere of beast or bird or insect, because there weren't any. Their footsteps sounded loud and carrying, as though warning the jungle they were coming. Jesamine pressed in close beside Lewis.
    "I've got a really bad feeling about this, Lewis. No one to meet us, no escort… Anything could be waiting for us in that jungle. How do we know Finn didn't get here first, make a deal with the natives, and set a trap for us?"
    "Oz would have detected something," said Lewis, trying hard to sound confident. "That porn-smuggler's ship has state-of-the-art sensors, and then some. I wouldn't have landed here unless I was… reasonably sure we got here first. Don't worry, Jes. I promised you that I would stand between you and all harm.
    Come what may."
    Jesamine smiled, despite herself. "My hero. All right, next worrying question: Why doesMissionCity have to be so far from the starport? Apart from the fact that they clearly don't care for visitors."
    "They don't want Empire tech too close to them," said Lewis. "The people here regard tech as a necessary evil, and they do without it as much as they can. My guess is they're still harboring resentments over their ancestors' being just dumped here and abandoned. Didn't you read any of the files I put aside for you?"
    Jesamine grinned. "I got sidetracked, remember?" She laughed as he looked away. "God, darling, you blush really easily for a Deathstalker."
    Lewis led the way into the scarlet

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