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Dr Jew

Dr Jew

Titel: Dr Jew Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert Crayola
Vom Netzwerk:
doesn't have peculiarities? Every man has some collection or fetish or odd custom or ritual or way of passing time, and who am I to be critical of such a man when he gets results? Just look at Philip: He was more chipper than I'd ever seen him and churning out some great material. My confidence about this film ebbed and flowed with each day, but when I heard Philip's music for these new scenes I knew it wouldn't matter if the film was good. Swayed by the moaning tree bark decay samples (or whatever Philip used), the audience would think the film was good. And that's what mattered. And many days even that didn't matter. Finishing this goddamned monstrosity to put it behind me and start being with my family was what mattered now.
    I 'd just spoken with Dr. Jew and Lise and he said they would begin the treatment tomorrow morning after Lise had a good night's sleep and a chance to "refresh herself" (his words). Fine, fine, I said. She did look a little weary and quiet. I ended the call and was about to have Victor get dinner, when he told me that a man and woman were bothering the guards at the front gate and refused to leave.
    "Then give them one more warni ng and call the cops if they stick around. Why tell me about it?"
    "Well, sir, I wouldn 't have… it's only they keep mentioning that doctor friend of yours –"
    "Dr. Jew?"
    "Yes, they seem to know him. Or claim to. They say they must speak with you. Shall I phone the police? I thought it best to check with you."
    Very few people knew of my contact with Dr. Jew – Philip, my family, and a few of my staff – but I was sure the public didn't know. Didn't want Lise's problem getting undue scrutiny in the tabloids. Embarrassing. It might be wise to see what these people knew.
    "Alright," I said. "Have them patted down and bring them in with the guards."
    "Yes, sir."
    Ten minutes passed, then Mario and Damian escorted a young couple in. They wore matching blue sweat pants and sweatshirts.
    "They 're clean, sir," said Mario.
    "Are you Sergio Simpatico?" said the young man. How peculiar a stalker this would be. To not even know when he rubbed shoulders with the object of his stalking.
    "Of course," I said. "And you…?"
    "I 'm Adam. This is my wife Eve."
    "Well," I said. "I suppose that is possible. What do you want?"
    "We need to reach D r. –"
    "Before you go on," I said. "I would like some privacy. Mario and Damian, you may go."
    "That might not be a good idea, sir," said Mario. "He don't have any weapons but that don't mean he's not dangerous."
    "I think we 'll be fine. Won't we, Adam and Eve?"
    "We just want your help," said Adam.
    "Wait in the hall and I'll scream if they get vicious."
    "Yes, sir."
    "Victor, you may remain. But first alert the cook I'm getting hungry."
    I looked my two guests over. They looked healthy. A little pale.
    "Now," I said. "Why don't you explain how you know about my connection with… oh… who was it again?"
    "Dr. Jew!" they said together.
    "Yes. Dr. Jew."
    "We heard you there once. At the lab. And the doctor always talked about you."
    "Heard me? You mean you were at his office?"
    "In the lab down the hall," said Adam. "We were part of his experiments, although he never really did anything with us. Just kept us for… what, a few years? A long time. Not sure how long."
    "What do you mean – he 'kept you'?" I said. "As prisoners?"
    "Yes," said Eve.
    My God. What kind of Hannibal Lecter-esque man was this Dr. Jew?
    "And how is it that you 're here now?" I said.
    "We escaped," said Adam.
    "I see. And what do you want me to do? I may know the man –"
    Then I remembered: Lise. With that… man.
    "If…" – distracted thoughts – "If what you say is true, go to the police."
    "But we don 't know where he lives," said Eve. "We left at night and barely know the city. We've led a sheltered life."
    "Well, I 'm not prepared to believe you at this point. You may know the doctor and you may know that I know him, but I don't know you from Adam… oh, never mind."
    "You won 't give us his address?"
    "No. Not yet. Not until I have proof of what you say. You could be slandering an innocent man."
    "What kind of proof? " said Adam. "How are we supposed to get proof?"
    "I 'll look into it myself. Leave your info and I'll be in touch."
    "Say," said Eve, "Are you blowing us off?"
    "My dear, I have as large a stake in this as you do. My wife is with Dr. Jew in Mexico as we speak, undergoing a delicate treatment."
    "For Swine-AIDS, right? " said Adam.

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