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Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies

Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies

Titel: Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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drinks, Grayson reached across me to tap ToAgain, Grayson’s lips twitched with amusement. bias on the shoulder. The dwarf turned. I made sure the
    “Sorry . . . Candy, but I’m not much of a dancer.”
    first thing he saw was my boobs, pushed to new heights
    “Perhaps I could dance with the lady,” Tobias Dawson by Roslyn’s power bra.
    offered. “If you don’t have any objections, owen.”
    Dawson blinked.
    Grayson waved his hand. “of course not. I’ve already Estep_Web of Lies_1P EP.indd 314-315
    12/17/09 9:32 PM
    Web of Lies 317
    had my fun with Candy this evening. She’s all yours, Tosmile steady as we whirled around. Dawson’s hand tightbias.”
    ened on mine. His palm felt curiously warm against owen’s violet eyes met my narrowed gray ones. More mine, something I’d expect from a Fire elemental, but amusement danced in his light gaze. He was actually ennot a Stone like the dwarf. joying this little charade.
    “You know Candy, you’re a very attractive woman,”
    The cowboy dwarf offered his short, stubby arm to Tobias Dawson said. “Then again, I’ve always been parme. “Shall we, Candy?”
    tial to blondes.”
    I sniffed at owen, turned my back to him, and beamed I let out a small, girlish giggle. “Aren’t you just the at the dwarf. “Thank you, Mr. Dawson. At least someone sweetest thing? You’re a real charmer, if I do say so, Mr. here still knows how to treat a lady .”
    Dawson. I’ll have to tell the other girls here tonight to The clichéd patter made me want to gag, but I’d said watch out for you.”
    worse to get close to targets before. I could drop a few The dwarf smiled, but his eyes were cold and distant more groaners if it meant eliminating Tobias Dawson. in his face. Again, I got the feeling I’d done something My fingers skimmed down the dwarf’s arm before setwrong, but I couldn’t imagine what it could be. There was tling on his bare, brown hand. For some reason, Dawson no way Dawson could know who I was, that I used to be frowned at the contact. Something flickered in his eyes, an assassin called the Spider, that I was working for the but it was gone before I could interpret what it was. But Foxes, that I’d come here tonight to kill him. There was he suddenly looked at me with far more interest. Perhaps no way he could know all that—could he? The dwarf had I’d static-shocked him or something, although if I had, I been smart enough to find a mountain full of diamonds should have felt it too.
    and use a slab of granite as a safe. There was no telling But I shrugged away my unease and let the dwarf lead how clever he was.
    me onto the dance floor. Dawson was barely five feet tall, We lapsed into silence again. The dwarf stared at me. which meant his eyes were just level with my boobs. But Then his eyes went to the rune necklace around my his soaring cowboy hat reached up over my teased wig. throat. The dance ended, and we both applauded poThe orchestra began a classical waltz, and Tobias Dawson litely. The orchestra started another tune, something a pulled me close. The only thing that kept him from burylittle jazzier. ing his head between my boobs was the crinoline in my I held my hand out to Dawson. “Could I interest you skirt. It was too stiff and thick for him to maneuver in the in another dance?”
    way he wanted to. I’d have to remember to thank Roslyn
    “Perhaps you’d like to go somewhere more private,”
    Phillips for that small favor.
    Dawson suggested. “I hear Mab’s gardens are lovely in the We danced in silence for a few moments. I kept my moonlight.”
    Estep_Web of Lies_1P EP.indd 316-317
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    I thought of the secluded gazebos, copses of trees, smile didn’t reach his pale eyes. But I brushed off my unand thickets of rose bushes I’d spotted outside. I easily ease. All I had to do was get him away from the doors, could drop Dawson in the garden. With any luck, no and the job would be done. Dawson offered me his arm one would stumble across him until morning. It was my again, and I took it. With my free hand, I palmed one of best option at this point, unless I could somehow mamy silverstone knives. neuver the dwarf back to the bathroom where I’d killed We walked down the terrace steps and onto a stone Jake McAllister. Given the way Dawson was staring at pathway that meandered into the dark gardens. A my boobs, I doubted he’d wait that long before he forced

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