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Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies

Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies

Titel: Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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indication of things to come, it would be a public put under pressure long and hard enough to evolve into service to stop this now. And there was only one way to something else.”
    do that—by killing Tobias Dawson.
    “How do you know that?” the detective asked. oh, I had no doubt that the dwarf had told a few of
    “I know a little bit about stones, especially precious his most trusted men what he had found, like those two ones.” I didn’t mention the fact I could hear their vigiants who’d come to the office to investigate the robbrations, tap into them, and get them to do anything I bery tonight. But without Dawson around, without his wanted. I never flaunted my magic, and I wasn’t about mining expertise and know-how, it would be that much to do it now.
    harder for his flunkies to do anything about the dia“But if Dawson’s already started drilling this other shaft monds. Even if they did make a move later on, I could to get to the diamonds, why is he still threatening us?”
    always take them out too. No, killing Dawson was the Violet asked, confusion flashing in her eyes. “Why even key here. Eliminate the dwarf and the rest of the monster bother? Why not just take the diamonds out on the sly?”
    would more than likely die along with him.
    “Because the dwarf doesn’t own the mineral rights to Estep_Web of Lies_1P EP.indd 236-237
    12/17/09 9:32 PM
    Web of Lies 239
    the land,” Warren rumbled. “I do. So legally, they aren’t Warren shook his head. “It’s just my word against his. his diamonds. They’re ours.”
    Dawson’s men are the ones who’ve been harassing my
    “And people might realize that, if he started mining customers, never him directly. But his men would never them,” Jo-Jo finished. “Word would get around. It always speak out against him. He pays them too well for that.”
    does. And then Warren could cause problems for him.
    “But you own the land, Warren, the mineral rights,”
    Legal problems.”
    Donovan said. “Dawson just can’t do whatever he wants Warren nodded. “or try to at least.”
    with your property. You could take him to court to get We all fell silent. I gave the others a few minutes to him to stop. We have the files from his office. We can think, but my decision had already been made. prove what he’s doing.”
    “Finn?” I asked in a low voice.
    Finn snorted. “Yeah, files which you and Gin got by
    breaking into Dawson’s office. No judge would ever allow
    “What else did you find out about Dawson today?”
    them in court. And I don’t think Dawson would be eager He stared at me with his green eyes. “All the usual info. to cough up any more information. Besides, look at it Finances, business interests, hobbies, homes, social confrom the money angle. A court case would drag on for nections.”
    years, and Dawson’s pockets are a lot deeper than War“Anything we can use?”
    ren’s are.”
    Finn stared at me. His gaze cut to Warren. He saw the
    “Even then,” I said, “Dawson could probably buy the resolution in the other man’s face and realized it matched verdict he wanted. And while everything was getting setmine. “Yeah, there are a few angles. Nothing too easy, tled the wrong way in court, Dawson could continue his of course, but I’m sure we can find something. There’s reign of terror in the meantime. Make another play for always a way in.”
    Violet in the meantime. Face it, detective, the dwarf isn’t That’s what Fletcher Lane always used to tell me. I going to walk away from a mountain full of diamonds. smiled.
    Nobody would. There’s only one way to get him to stop. The detective stared at me, his gold eyes dark. “Surely My way.”
    there’s another way besides killing Dawson.”
    our eyes met and held, gold on gray. After a moment,
    “And what way would that be, detective? Turn ToDonovan Caine looked away, but not before I caught the bias Dawson into the cops? For what, making threats?
    weary resignation in his gaze, the sag in his shoulders, It wouldn’t take, and you know it. Besides, the police the deep lines of defeat in his face. He knew what I said usually require a pesky little thing called proof. And I’m was true. He didn’t like it, but the detective was going to betting there is none. Dawson’s too smart for that. Am I let me do it. He knew I was going after Tobias Dawson, right?” I looked at Warren.
    and he wasn’t going to try to stop me. Not anymore. I

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