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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation
Autoren: Reeni Austin
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at his desk.
    And then she called.
    “ Good afternoon, Monarch Enterprises. How may I assist you? ” Gary’s voice was chipper as usual.
    “Hello, Gary. I’d like to speak with Victor Barboza, please.”
    “ Oh.” He let out a disgusted sigh. Under his breath, but loud enough for her to hear, he said, “ I obviously should’ve looked at the number first.” His voice got louder. “To what is this pertaining, Ms. Whitt? Do you have an appointment?”
    “I don’t need a meeting. I just need to speak with him. We have some important business to discuss.”
    “Oh, I’m sure. Give me the details and I’ll be sure to give him the message.”
    “Can you put me through to his voicemail?”
    “ No, I cannot.”
    She wanted to scream at him but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of getting her riled up. In a deliberately calm voice, she said, “Well, I have some information he’ll need. It’s about a woman I saw him with at lunch. I’ve known her for years and she’s trouble. He needs to know.”
    Gary chuckled sarcastically. “ Really? You’re already trying to get her fired again? ”
    “What do you mean, again?”
    He sighed loudly. “ Have a lovely afternoon, Ms. Whitt. ” And then he hung up.
    Fired…again? Confused, Alexis put her phone in her purse and looked at the deli. Seconds later, she saw them exit, both of them smiling, but Victor doing most of the talking.
    She shrank back, watching, studying the portly blonde who only seemed vaguely familiar. As if Alexis was meant to hear it, a hint of the strange woman’s voice floated her way, just loud enough to bring back a recent memory.
    No, it couldn’t be her—the girl from the catering company?
    She took her phone from her purse and held it up to take a few pictures. She said to herself, quietly, “Oh Victor, have you really stooped to this level? Or maybe you’re just hard up.” She groaned. “No, it must be more than that.”
    She was instantly flooded with theories. Maybe he’d known her all along. Maybe that’s why there was such a familiarity that night when they were joking at the table.
    Alexis felt her blood pressure rising. Had she been played that night? Was this his pathetic way of trying to pay her back for cheating on him while they were engaged?
    It didn’t matter. Alexis had enough information to pass along to a private investigator who could get this straightened out. No, Victor couldn’t possibly be interested in this cow who looked like she’d given up on herself long ago. She would get this woman out of his life just as easily as swatting a fly.
    * * *
    Cara’s new outfit now felt too heavy for such a warm day, especially outside in the hot sun with a sexy man by her side.
    She tried to resist it, but how could she not be attracted to Victor? He was tall, dark and gorgeous, and unless she was hallucinating, she swore he was giving her signals that he was interested in her, too.
    Maybe Marcy was right , she thought. Maybe he really was checking me out in the interview last week .
    And she knew darn well he was checking her out today.
    At least she was starting to feel more comfortable around him. The conversation flowed easily, and Cara was surprised by how humble and tender he portrayed himself.
    But she’d been fooled in the past. She wasn’t so naive. There absolutely had to be another reason for his kindness.
    Cara and Victor chatted as they entered the building and took the private elevator to their floor. Thankfully, the elevator moved fast and she didn’t have more than a minute to fantasize about him pinning her to the corner. She took a few slow, calming breaths and went on with their friendly banter. When they exited the elevator he gave her one last smile before opening his office door.
    Clutching her purse to have something else to focus on, she rushed to her own office. Her immediate plan was to resume her Internet stalking.
    She had just shoved her purse in a drawer when Gary appeared in front of her desk.
    “Hey.” He looked over his shoulder then shut the door behind him. “We need to talk.”
    Gary took a seat in a chair against the wall, his elbows on his knees. He leaned forward as he pushed a button on his headset and shoved the mouthpiece away. “Watch your back around here.”
    Cara’s stomach knotted. “Is this about my talk with Rhonda?”
    “Oh God.” He winced a little. “Rhonda in acquisitions?”
    “Yeah. But she said you’re friends. Did I
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