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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
way he laughed when he and his brothers climbed all over him like they were wrestling. His father always pretended he was losing, and the brothers always reveled in their victory. They had no idea how poor they were; a family of five living in a tiny clay house with no running water and barely enough food to eat. But Victor was grateful for those hard times. He knew they helped mold him into the man he was today.
    As he sat in a long line of cars at a busy intersection, he took a moment to analyze his obsession with Cara once again. Perhaps she’d merely come along at a time when he needed someone like her. A real woman. A woman of substance, in every way, her life somehow crashing into his and bringing back memories he’d buried long ago. She was unlike any woman he’d met in a very long time. Hell, maybe ever.
    He took out his phone and looked at one of the pictures he’d found online. Wisps of blond hair framed her face so perfectly. God, she’s beautiful . How he wanted to taste those plump lips. Mmm. And peel her out of that dress…
    Victor took a deep breath and put his phone away. He couldn’t let himself think about it right now. Soon, he’d see her and welcome her to the office. What if she was still way too rebellious and skeptical of his motives? Shit. She had every reason to be. That was another reason why he absolutely must act professionally around her.
    He ignored his urge to buy her flowers to welcome her aboard. It took him approximately five minutes to realize what a stupid, dead giveaway that would be. Damn it, the woman made him think irrationally, and he found that extremely frustrating.
    Women were never this much of a challenge to him.
    Several minutes passed and he finally entered the parking garage. Quickly, he parked and took the elevator to the top floor. As he stepped out of it, he adjusted his tie and his jacket, then headed around the corner, stopping at Gary’s desk.
    “Nice to see you, Mr. Barboza. Long morning?” Gary swiveled in his chair, smiling.
    Victor’s head shook. “You don’t wanna know.” He grabbed an unopened letter on the counter in front of Gary’s desk, pausing for a second so he didn’t sound too excited about the question on his mind. Then he stared mindlessly at the envelope and asked, “So, is our new employee having a good first day?”
    Gary leaned forward as if listening for a distant sound. “You can ask her yourself if you like. That sounds like her now.”
    Victor’s heart raced as he turned his head frantically in the direction of the footsteps and unconsciously adjusted his tie again.
    And there she was, the lovely blonde of his fantasies, wearing a pin-striped navy blue suit that looked like it was made to set off her best assets.
    Her eyes met his for a split second, then she glanced down at the floor with a slight grin.
    Does she have any idea what she does to me?
    He stood still, waiting for her to walk up to him, but she shyly stopped a few feet away. She’s a walking contradiction . During their short interview she was all guts. Today, she was timid, but that was good. It gave him the upper hand. Suddenly, he didn’t feel so nervous.
    Victor calmly extended his hand. “Ms. Green. Welcome.”
    She took one step closer and slowly put her hand around his. “Mr. Barboza. Thank you for having me.”
    Her skin’s like velvet …His breath hitched as her fingers lightly grazed the inside of his wrist. Shit, now isn’t the time …
    He pulled his hand away and forced himself to make an offer he’d rehearsed for days. Keep it casual . “So, it’s almost lunchtime. Do you have plans?”
    Her mouth dropped for a moment. “No…no plans.”
    “Would you like to get a quick bite?” Victor shrugged. “Celebrate your first day.”
    She looked at Gary, as if seeking his approval. “Um…”
    Victor grinned. “Gary got lunch his first day too.” He turned to him. “And you’re invited, by the way.” He had only planned to invite Gary if Cara appeared anxious…which she did.
    Gary sighed, dramatically. “I wish I could but it’s my bi-weekly chiropractor visit. And I so need it after the weekend I had.”
    “Ah, that’s right.” Victor gave Cara a wry grin. “He hurt his neck a couple months back. Wouldn’t tell me what happened. He just showed up Monday morning in a neck brace, muttering something about taking the bus from Atlantic City—”
    Gary held up one finger. “Enough!” Then he put his finger down and
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