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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
usual scent. It smelled more sensual and earthy, like he had worn it just to seduce her.
    Cara swallowed hard and repeated herself. “No. I shouldn’t drink before seeing a client. I don’t hold my liquor well. I would hate to make a bad impression.”
    “Ah.” A corner of Victor’s mouth turned up. “Well, the flight will take another two hours, and our meeting is another hour after that. You have plenty of time to rest and get back to normal before then. You can even take a nap, if you want.”
    Although she had been assured the pilot could not hear them, paranoia caused Cara to quiet her voice. “Oh really? Is that your thing? Get me to pass out and then you’ll do whatever you want to me?”
    Victor’s amused eyes narrowed. “I’d rather have you awake.”
    “Are you serious?” Cara sat up straight, trying to appear indifferent to his advances. “You really just brought me here to hit on me? I’m good at my job and I’d love a chance to prove that.”
    “I know you’re good at your job. I wouldn’t have hired you otherwise.” Victor placed his glass on the table and took a seat beside Cara, carefully sliding an arm behind her back. “I tire of games very quickly, querida .”
    Instinctively, Cara turned to face him. She held his gaze for only a moment before the want in his eyes became too much to bear. When she felt his fingers stroking her face, she shut her eyes tight, determined to keep the promise she had made to herself the night before.
    Just. Let. Go.
    Maybe Victor’s intentions didn’t matter as much as she originally thought. How many times in her life would something like this ever happen to her? Why should she try to fight it when her body was already shouting yes ?
    Cara’s heartbeat quickened when she felt his hot breath against her forehead. His fingers traced a line under her jaw then down to her collarbone. They had almost reached the top of her breasts when they turned back, running up to the nape of her neck.
    Victor tilted Cara’s face up to his and kissed her.
    Her deep moan was squelched in his kiss. His mouth was bolder than their previous encounter. In the light of day with no one around to distract her, she sensed his desire. His lips were sneaky and possessive, matching her every move. His tongue slowly crept between her lips as he unbuttoned her jacket and slid it off one shoulder, exposing the camisole she wore underneath.
    Cara’s hand was on Victor’s back, her fingers digging against his shirt to feel his sleek muscles. There was nothing stopping her now. She had forgotten how wonderful it felt to give in to a man. To be absorbed in his smell, his taste, his strength. Why was I fighting this? She relaxed her jaw to let his tongue plunge inside as deep as he wanted.
    His hands moved all over, from her hair to her breasts to her thighs. She shuddered when he parted her knees, as if she was surprised. He changed course and went back up to her breasts, cupping one of them as he pulled her closer with his other arm.
    They continued to kiss as Victor undid her top button, then the next, giving his hand enough space to move into her blouse.
    “Oh!” She gasped when she felt his fingers graze her hard nipple.
    He broke the kiss. His lips went to her ear. “I’m sorry if I’m moving too fast. I can’t help it. You drive me crazy.”
    “It’s okay,” she whispered in a breath.
    “Good.” Victor’s mouth met hers again for a brief moment, then moved to her neck.
    Cara’s head fell backwards to give him room. His lips lingered there until she moaned, “Yes.” He kissed her collarbone, then kissed further down until his mouth replaced his hand on her breast.
    “Oh!” She didn’t realize he had maneuvered her nipple out of her bra until she felt his soft lips against her skin, followed by the gentlest bite as he took her hard peak in between his teeth. “Oh my God!”
    Inside, Victor smiled at her cry of pleasure. His longing mouth savored her plump breast as he undid another button.
    Cara did her best to stifle the pleas that wanted to leave her throat. Victor had awakened feelings she forgot her body was capable of. Suddenly she wanted him everywhere. On top of her, inside of her. It no longer mattered if someone might hear.
    And then, his hand slid across the slippery material covering her stomach.
    “Oh no.” She gritted her teeth.
    Victor’s mouth let go of her breast. He chuckled. “What the hell’s this thing? A girdle?”
    “I prefer

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