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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
    He shook his head as if startled out of a trance. “No. She and I have very different priorities.” Victor turned to her with a wry smile, to ask about something he had been waiting for some time to approach. “So, let’s talk about your personal life for a while, Miss Green. Where’s Isaac’s father? Is he in the picture, at all?”
    “I don’t…” Cara’s voice trailed off. A nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach would not permit her to use the lie she had given everyone since the day she announced her pregnancy. Maybe it was the hint of vulnerability Victor had shown that made her feel bad about lying to him. She knew she could not evade this issue for much longer, given the eagerness of Victor’s tone. She swallowed hard and took another second to get her words in order. “No, he’s not in the picture and he never will be.”
    “Is that by his choice, or yours?”
    “Darn, you’re really nosy.”
    “Just curious. You don’t have to tell me, but…” He gave her shoulder a soft squeeze. “I’d kinda like to know. Isaac’s a great kid. I hope to get to know him better. Get to know you both better, if that’s okay.”
    Cara gulped. This was not what she had expected, at all. “Um…I don’t know what to say except, Isaac’s father is not a concern.”
    Her eyebrows furrowed. “And I don’t let Isaac get attached to people. He needs stability.”
    Victor held her gaze for a moment, then looked down at the floor. “I understand that. You’re a good mother. Has that happened before? You dated someone and Isaac got his heart broken?”
    “Uh…are we dating? Is that what you call this?”
    With a half-hearted shrug, he said, “I don’t know. I wouldn’t say we’re not dating. So, tell me. Did Isaac get attached to someone?”
    A chaotic swirl of thoughts entered Cara’s mind. Too rattled to consider her options, she said, “No, he’s never gotten attached to anyone, not like a father.”
    Victor’s eyebrows knitted. “You’ve dated since he was born, haven’t you?”
    Her voice was weak. “No. Not really.”
    “Not really?”
    She cleared her throat. “Not at all, actually.”
    Victor’s eyes were huge. “Okay. Let me ask something else…before today, when’s the last time you slept with a man?”
    A thin layer of tears suddenly clouded her vision. “It was Isaac’s father.”
    “Oh.” Victor’s eyebrows rose. “Wow. I didn’t know. I’m sorry—”
    She held up her hand. “Don’t.” She sniffled. “Please don’t be sorry. I didn’t plan for it to happen that way.” She wiped her hand across her face to erase the few drops that rolled down her cheek. “I guess it’s a lot like what you said about time going by. Wondering where it went. I get that. This wasn’t how I planned it. I didn’t know I’d give so much to my career only to have it taken away so I could move back home.”
    Victor gave her a knowing smile. “It’s almost useless to plan. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought I had everything all worked out and then…boom. My world turns upside down.” He sighed. “I guess that’s why I got engaged. I wanted something permanent in my life, besides work. Wanted a sure thing.”
    Cara wiped her face again, nodding. “The only sure thing to me is Isaac. He’s the true love of my life.”
    “I understand.” Victor tightened his grip around her shoulders. “You have every right to be protective.” Gently, he placed his hand on top of hers. “But I’d really love to get to know both of you better. I hope you’ll let me.”
    Cara’s voice trembled. “Maybe.”
    “I know you just met me. You don’t have to give me an answer right now.” He kissed her forehead. “Just let things take their natural course.”
    She nodded. “Okay.”
    In a deadpan voice, he added, “And please don’t file sexual harassment charges against me.”
    She laughed, grateful he had added some levity to their conversation. “I wasn’t planning to.”
    “Good.” He grinned. “Because technically, it’s not harassment as far as I know. I never said you had to sleep with me to get a job or get promoted. I waited over a week after your date of employment before I got you on a private jet alone and coerced you to be my lover.”
    Cara laughed. “It didn’t take much coercion.”
    He narrowed his eyes, nodding. “It took a lot more than you realize. You’re a stubborn woman.” He kissed her cheek. “And now I have

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