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Hit Man

Hit Man

Titel: Hit Man Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Lawrence Block
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Maybe it was an autumnal phenomenon, he thought. The leaves turned red and gold, the flowers turned green.
    “It’s dyed,” said the florist, reading his mind. “They started dyeing them for St. Patrick’s Day, and that’s when I sell the most of them, but they caught on in a small way year-round. Would you like to wear one?”
    Would he? Keller found himself weighing the move, then reminded himself it wasn’t an option. “No,” he said. “It has to be red.”
    “I quite agree,” the little man said, selecting one of the blood-red blooms. “I’m a traditionalist myself. Green flowers. Why, how could the bees tell the blooms from the foliage?”
    Keller said it was a good question.
    “And here’s another. Shall we lay it across the buttonhole and pin it to the lapel, or shall we insert it into the buttonhole?”
    It was a poser, all right. Keller asked the man for his recommendation.
    “It’s controversial,” the florist said. “But I look at it this way. Why have a buttonhole if you’re not going to use it?”
    Keller, suit pressed and shoes shined and a red carnation in his lapel, boarded the Metroliner at Penn Station. He’d picked up a copy of GQ at a newsstand in the station, and he made it last all the way to Washington. Now and then his eyes strayed from the page to his boutonniere.
    It would have been nice to know where the magazine stood on the buttonhole issue, but they had nothing to say on the subject. According to the florist, who admittedly had a small stake in the matter, Keller had nothing to worry about.
    “Not every man can wear a flower,” the man had told him. “On one it will look frivolous, on another foppish. But with you—”
    “It looks okay?”
    “More than okay,” the man said. “You wear it with a certain flair. Or dare I say panache?”
    Panache, Keller thought.
    Panache had not been the object. Keller was just following directions. Wear a particular flower, board a particular train, stand in front of the B. Dalton bookstore in Union Station with a particular magazine until the client—a particular man himself, from the sound of it—took the opportunity to make contact.
    It struck Keller as a pretty Mickey Mouse way to do things, and in the old days the old man would have shot it down. But the old man wasn’t himself these days, and something like this, with props and recognition signals, was the least of it.
    “Wear the flower,” Dot had told him in the kitchen of the big old house in White Plains. “Wear the flower, carry the magazine—”
    “Tote the barge, lift the bale. . . ”
    “—and do the job, Keller. At least he’s not turning everything down. What’s wrong with a flower, anyway? Don’t tell me you’ve got Thoreau on the brain.”
    “He said to beware of enterprises that require new clothes. He never said a thing about carnations.”
    At ten past noon Keller was at his post, wearing the flower, brandishing the magazine. He stood there like a tin soldier for half an hour, then left his post to find a men’s room. He returned feeling like a deserter, but took a minute to scan the area, looking for someone who was looking for him. He didn’t find anybody, so he planted himself where he’d been standing earlier and just went on standing there.
    At a quarter after one he went to a fast-food counter for a hamburger. At ten minutes of two he found a phone and called White Plains. Dot answered, and before he could get out a full sentence she told him to come home.
    “Job’s been canceled,” she said. “The guy phoned up and called it off. But you must have been halfway to D.C. by then.”
    “I’ve been standing around since noon,” Keller said. “I hate just standing around.”
    “Everybody does, Keller. At least you’ll make a couple of dollars. It should have been half in advance . . .”
    “ Should have been?”
    “He wanted to meet you first and find out if you thought the job was doable. Then he’d pay the first half, with the balance due and payable upon execution.”
    Execution was the word for it. He said, “But he aborted before he met me. Doesn’t he like panache?”
    “The flower. Maybe he didn’t like the way I was wearing it.”
    “Keller,” she said, “he never even saw you. He called here around ten-thirty. You were still on the train. Anyway, how many ways are there to wear a flower?”
    “Don’t get me started,” he said. “If he didn’t pay anything in

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