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Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Titel: Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Kresley Cole
Vom Netzwerk:
head. “I was tediously monogamous.”
    “Then why?”
    “He hadn’t done one thing specifically. But I always had a sense of disquiet about him. Regrettably, the only thing stronger than that was my need to have the very best. If there was another way to aim—except for the best, the most enviable—I didn’t know of it. And Louis was the most eligible bachelor in the parish. He was extremely handsome, and the man had money—oil money.”
    A spike of some unfamiliar feeling hit his gut, settling there to burn. “So what happened with the oil man?”
    “I knew I’d ignored my instincts about him for too long. And I’d realized that I didn’t have to be married. Not to him, not to anyone. I was having too much fun on my own and doing just fine financially. So, after half a year of tempting him to marry me, I changed my mind. For Louis, that proved unforgivable.”
    “And how would a woman tempt a man to marry her?” Conrad asked, striving not to sound as intrigued as he was. He imagined her using her wiles on himself to get something, and the idea... excited him. He’d withhold whatever it was she wanted for as long as possible.
    “I teased him. And then I didn’t give him the milk for free.”
    Milk? “Ah. I see.” At least she hadn’t slept with the oil man.
    “Vingt-et-un. I win,” she said. “Now, tell me about the injury on your arm.” When he hesitated, she added, “Any question whatsoever, truthfully and completely.”
    “Tarut, a Kapsliga demon, clawed me. It won’t heal until he’s dead.” Conrad had been thinking that Tarut might be at that gathering. If Conrad could get free of these cuffs, he could go on the offensive and take the demon out.
    “Why did he do that to you?” she asked.
    “He thinks I should be dead—I disagree.”
    “How could he escape you? He must have been very strong.”
    “Tarut has a gang.” Many demon species instinctively hunted in packs—Conrad would have to watch for them at the gathering as well. “Overall, demons are one of the strongest species in the Lore, and Tarut is older and powerful.”
    “How did you become an assassin?” she asked, the card game forgotten.
    “I wanted the pay.”
    “Greed, Conrad?” she asked softly. “That doesn’t seem like you.”
    “How would you know?” When she shrugged, he bit out, “I needed the pay. After the Kapsliga turned on me, I didn’t know where to go or how to feed myself.”
    “Go on.”
    “They hunted me like a goddamned rabid wolf when I had no idea even how to survive as a vampire.” Never had he been so weak, so bewildered. Half of his family had just died; the other half had become his enemies, and he was forever changed. “I was starving, and blood was everywhere I turned. Each night, I struggled not to drag a human down and feed.”
    “Then what happened?”
    “Blood drawn from donors could be bought, but it was expensive. I stumbled upon a lucrative bounty for a shape-shifter, one that no one else would hunt.”
    “Because defeating a shapeshifter is a tricky thing. By the time you figure out how to contend with one form, they shift to another. I was exhausted from thirst, and the bastard roundly kicked my ass. Just when I was about to die, this new, overwhelming instinct took over.” His fangs had sunk into the shifter’s neck and blood rushed before his eyes and slid down his throat... . Lost...
    “Conrad? Stay with me. Conrad!” When he finally faced her, she said, “You were talking about the instinct... ”
    “It was a vampire’s instinct. It ruled me. I returned for the bounty with not only the shifter’s head in a burlap bag but also his memories in my head. Suddenly I was in high demand.”
    She bit her bottom lip. “How many have you killed?”
    “Countless. And then there were the targets I took out when I was human. I killed my first vampire when I was thirteen.”
    “So young? What was your life like as a human?”
    “Most of it was horrifying, cold, and desperate. If the marauders didn’t get you, the plague would. You didn’t want to embrace a loved one who returned home because you didn’t know if they’d brought death with them. We’d been rich—but there was no food or goods to buy.”
    “I’m sorry it was so hard for you and your family.”
    “That part’s done with at least. What was yours like?”
    “The opposite. For me, life was sensual, sultry, and passionate.” Her eyes went dreamy. “I remember the throbbing heat

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