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Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Titel: Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Kresley Cole
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sleeping and dragged himself from their bed. She turned with a whisper, seeming to seek him. When she wrapped her slim arms around his pillow, nuzzling it, his heart took up too much room in his chest.
    He longed to stay here with her. To feel her breaths on his skin as she slept warm and soft against him.
    But Conrad knew what he wanted. Knew the obstacles between them. Though he was exhausted, he rose and dressed, mindlessly pulling on his boots for another hunt.
    I’ll have her. Or I’ll die trying.


    My time’s running out, Néomi thought at the beginning of their third week together.
    She didn’t know how she knew this, but she sensed it strongly. Running out soon. She’d become convinced that she wouldn’t last through even the first month with Conrad.
    And she couldn’t stop thinking that he would probably be there to see her meet her end. She’d known they would be in a relationship when it happened, but she hadn’t truly comprehended that he would witness her death.
    The death that promised to be violent.
    The guilt was heavy. Why didn’t I think of this before? Even knowing that, she couldn’t force herself to part from Conrad to spare him. She was greedy for every possible moment with him, and she knew he was as well.
    Last night, when she’d run the backs of her fingers over the scar on his torso, he’d said, “I used to hate that scar. But no longer.” He’d met her gaze, and the words had seemed to spill from him. “Néomi, it brought me to you. If I’d known what was in store for me, I’d have helped the Russian plunge his sword.”
    After hearing that, she’d become convinced that what he felt for her was more than just what a vampire felt for his Bride. He was as in love with her as she was with him.
    Yet even with that realization, she felt like their little world was falling apart in general. He was so wearied, but tried to hide it, just as she tried to hide her growing tension and dread.
    As though he sensed her foreboding, he seemed determined to make every moment count... .
    That night his gift of a dazzling scarlet gown along with the promise of a surprise destination were enough to distract Néomi’s mind from her fears, at least for a short while.
    When he’d traced her to Italy for dinner, she’d become genuinely excited.
    Her vampire had reserved a private garden terrace at La Pergola, atop Monte Mario. “Conrad, the view is spectacular!” Below them lay Rome at night, lit like a dream. “Mon Dieu, is that St. Peter’s dome? I’ve only ever seen it on a postcard. This is such an incredible surprise!”
    “Oh, this?” When he gave a casual shrug, it drew her gaze to his dark dinner jacket, tailored to perfection over those broad shoulders. “This isn’t it. This is just nourishing my mortal until it’s time for the real surprise.”
    “Better than this? You must tell me!”
    “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” He gave her a wry grin. “Also known as une surprise... .”
    Once they were seated in plush chairs, the server brought by a trolley filled with chilled champagnes. As he poured, the man barely did a double take at Conrad’s sunglasses, but Conrad still tensed. She wished his eyes didn’t bother him so much.
    When they were alone, he rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “You must hate them. The blood red.”
    She shook her head. “I think they’re the red of fire. And the color deepens and darkens when you look at me—which I love. Besides, with the sunglasses, you look like a movie star.”
    “Or a drug addict.”
    “I don’t believe the two are mutually exclusive, mon grand,” she said, coaxing a grin from him. As she sipped her champagne, she asked, “Wouldn’t one have to reserve this spot months in advance?”
    “One would.”
    She quirked a brow. “But you wouldn’t?”
    “You should know by now that regarding you, I stint on nothing.”
    The meal bore this statement out. Dish after dish began to arrive, costly wines accompanying each course. As she savored some of the most delectable food and drink she’d ever tasted, she tried to get him to reveal the surprise. He sipped his whiskey, lazily forked some food around, and grinned smugly at her attempts to get him to crack... .
    “You’re so pleased with yourself, vampire.”
    “It’s too good of a surprise to reveal. How’s your food?”
    Some dishes were bold, some subtle; each caressed her palate. She smiled over her wineglass. “C’est exquis comme tes

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