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In Too Deep

In Too Deep

Titel: In Too Deep Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
Vom Netzwerk:
Caleb Jones, as well.”
    Liz’s expression tightened. “The speculation is that Fallon’s version of the talent came directly from his ancestor, Sylvester Jones.”
    Adrian’s brows shot up. “He’s got the same talent that the founder had?”
    “No two talents are ever exactly alike,” Hal said. “But it’s no secret that Sylvester was half mad and completely paranoid at the end. Liz is right, that kind of thing can come down through the bloodline.”
    Adrian drank some wine and looked thoughtful. “What do you suggest?”
    “A lot of people are saying that the Council should appoint a new director of Jones & Jones, someone known to be stable and level-headed,” Hal said. “A strong strat-talent, perhaps.”
    “There has always been a Jones at the head of J&J,” Liz pointed out.
    “Just as there has always been a Jones in the Master’s Chair,” Hal said grimly. “Doesn’t mean it has to be that way. Maybe it’s time for a change. Arcane should start by severing its connection with the agency.”
    Isabella popped a stuffed pastry puff into her mouth. “Now that,” she said to Hal, “would be a real dumbass thing to do.”
    Hal, Liz, Adrian and everyone else within earshot turned to look at her. There was a great hush around the buffet table.
    “And you would be?” Adrian asked. Curiosity and a tinge of masculine interest lit his eyes.
    “Isabella Valdez,” she said. “I’m an investigator with J&J. I work at headquarters. Also, I manage the office for Mr. Jones.”
    “Ah, so you’re the new assistant. I’m Adrian Spangler.” Adrian stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
    “You, too.” Isabella brushed crumbs off her palms and shook his hand.
    No one else moved. No one else said a word. It was as if everyone in the vicinity except Adrian and Isabella had been flash-frozen.
    “So, why would firing Fallon Jones and dumping J&J be a dumbass thing to do?” Adrian asked. There was no challenge in his tone, just curiosity.
    “Because with J&J and Fallon Jones, the Society has the best psychic investigation agency on the planet,” Isabella said briskly, “at least for the kind of investigative work that Arcane needs. The agency is uniquely qualified to handle Arcane business because it has a grasp of the history of the organization as well as access to all of the private files pertaining to the old cases.”
    “Good point,” Adrian said. “It would be hard for another agency to step in and take over.”
    Hal frowned. “It might take some time for a new agency to get up to speed, but the trade-off would be a higher level of professional stability at the top.”
    “Oh, for pity’s sake,” Isabella said. “Stop trying to imply that Fallon Jones is unstable and crazy. I doubt that you would know a real conspiracy nutcase if you tripped over one.”
    Adrian grinned. “And you would?”
    He was enjoying himself, Isabella realized. She noticed that Raine had quietly joined the small crowd at the buffet table. Raine, too, looked amused. But everyone else appeared to be teetering on the fine line between shock and fascination.
    “Absolutely,” Isabella said. “I happen to be an expert on the subject of conspiracy theorists. I can spot ’em a mile away. That’s one of the assets I bring to the firm, by the way. Trust me, Fallon Jones is no conspiracy freak. Polar opposite, in fact.”
    Hal scowled, but Liz and Adrian and several others were starting to look intrigued.
    “All right,” Adrian said. “I give up. What is the polar opposite of a conspiracy freak?”
    Isabella smiled. “A real detective, of course.”
    This time a few whispers rippled across the gathering crowd.
    Isabella reached for another canapé. “Don’t you get it? Fallon Jones thinks like a detective, not a conspiracy kook. He uses his talent to link facts and make connections, but he doesn’t invent those facts and connections and he doesn’t manipulate them the way true conspiracy nuts do. He’s a psychic Sherlock Holmes. Holmes and Jones would be the last people on earth to be sucked into a conspiracy fantasy.”
    It dawned on her that the crowd was no longer staring at her. Everyone’s attention was focused on a point behind her.
    She turned around and saw Fallon watching her with an inscrutable expression. There was a little heat in his eyes.
    “What do you say we go outside and get some fresh air, Watson?” he said.
    “Watson got to carry a gun.”
    “Forget the gun.”
    “You never

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