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Jerusalem. The Biography

Jerusalem. The Biography

Titel: Jerusalem. The Biography Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Simon Sebag Montefiore
Vom Netzwerk:
    Britain needed the Arab Revolt immediately so it made the necessary promises as unclearly as possible. Yet McMahon’s promises were not ambiguous enough, for they raised Arab expectations just before Britain and France began the real negotiation to divide up the Ottoman empire.
    The British negotiator, Sir Mark Sykes, MP and Yorkshire baronet, was a creative and irrepressible amateur who had travelled in the East and therefore become a towering expert – though Lawrence called him ‘a bundle of prejudices, intuitions and half-sciences’. His real talent was an ambitious ebullience that was so attractive that his superiors happily allowed him to dabble in any eastern policies he chose. Sykes and his French counterpart, François Georges-Picot, who had served as consul in Beirut, agreed that France would receive Syria and Lebanon, Britain, Iraq and some of Palestine. There would be an Arab confederation, under British and French supervision – and Jerusalem would be internationalized under France, Britain and Russia. * This all made sense to the three empires that had been striving to control Jerusalem for the last seventy years – and it allowed for an Arab state of sorts. But it was soonoutdated because Britain secretly coveted Jerusalem and Palestine for itself.
    On 5 June 1916, Sherif Hussein, oblivious to the secret of Sykes–Picot but aware that the Ottomans were about to overthrow him, raised his red banner in Mecca and launched his Arab Revolt. He declared himself ‘King of All the Arabs’, a title that alarmed the British, who persuaded him to downgrade it to ‘King of Hejaz’. This was just the beginning: few families in history would wear so many crowns in so many kingdoms in such a short time. King Hussein appointed each of his sons to command his small armies but the military results were disappointing and revolts in Syria never materialized. The British found it hard to work out whether the Sherifians could ever be effective. So, in October, Ronald Storrs, who would later govern Jerusalem, and his subordinate, Lawrence, arrived in Arabia.
    Lawrence had a good look at the king’s four sons in order to find the ideal Arab ruler, but he quickly realized that the second and third, Abdullah and Faisal, were the only ones that mattered. He dismissed Abdullah as ‘too clever’ and Abdullah dismissed Lawrence as ‘a strange creature’, but the moment Lawrence set eyes upon Prince Faisal, he almost swooned: ‘tall, graceful, vigorous, almost regal. Aged thirty-one, very quick and restless. Is clearskinned as a pure Circassian, with dark hair, vivid black eyes. Looks like a European and very like the monument of Richard I at Fontevraud. A popular idol.’ Lawrence gushed that he was ‘an absolute ripper!’ but Faisal was also ‘a brave, weak, ignorant spirit – I served him out of pity’.
    The Arab Revolt was failing even in the Sherifian fiefdom of Hejaz and Lawrence saw that Faisal’s few thousand cameleers could be defeated by ‘one company of Turks’. Yet if they raided outposts and sabotaged the railways, they could tie down an entire Ottoman army. When he was posted to Faisal, Lawrence put this into practice and created the prototype of the modern insurgency. But it was Faisal who dressed the Lawrence of legend, ‘fitting me out in splendid, white silk and gold-embroidered wedding garments’. As he wrote in his guide to Arab insurgency – required reading for American officers in twenty-first-century Iraq and Afghanistan – ‘If you wear Arab things, wear the best. Dress like a sherif.’ Lawrence had no military training and the spirit of an asceticpoet, but he understood that ‘the beginning and end of the secret of handling Arabs is unremitting study of them. Get to know their families, clans and tribes, friends and enemies by listening and indirect inquiry.’ He learned to ride camels and to live like a Bedouin. But he never forgot that doling out vast sums of British gold was what kept his army together – ‘this is the fattest time the tribes have ever known’ – and even fifty years later they remembered him as ‘the man with the gold’.
    The slaughter and grit of war both horrified and excited him. ‘I hope this sounds the fun it is,’ he wrote feverishly after one successful raid. ‘It’s the most amateurish, Buffalo-Bill sort of performance and the only people who did it well are the

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