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Killing Rain

Killing Rain

Titel: Killing Rain Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Barry Eisler
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its gentleness remained. “I thought for a moment that you didn’t trust me.”
    “I don’t trust anyone.”
    That, she suspected, was the sad truth.
    “But me, in particular,” she said, as though this was something she regretted.
    “It’s not personal.”
    “Are you sure?” Her tone had just the right mixture of sadness and uncertainty.
    He shook his head, afraid or unwilling to go there. “What would have tipped him off?” he asked.
    She recognized that the gambit hadn’t succeeded. It was all right, she would keep playing it by ear. She shrugged. “He’s naturally paranoid. Up until my suggestion of a private beach, he’d been in charge of the arrangements. Someone else proposing the time and place . . .”
    “You shouldn’t have been in such a hurry. That’s what spooked him.”
    Ordinarily, that kind of comment would cause her to go for the jugular. That’s what Gil was expecting, and prepared to deal with. But she’d sparred with him enough today. If he wanted to push hard, she would just step out of the way. Let’s see him keep his balance then.
    “I know,” she said, looking down as though this was a difficult admission, as though he had worn her out. “I’m sorry. I should have been more subtle with him. It’s my fault.”
    There was a pause while Gil digested this. Then he said, “It’s not like you, that’s all. Your instincts are usually good.”
    Ostensibly a compliment, but really a way of demonstrating that it was his purview and prerogative to judge. And therefore, again, a comment that would ordinarily set her off.
    She smiled wanly, as though both appreciative of his expression of confidence and embarrassed by what had precipitated it, then looked away.
    After a moment, he said, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll find another way.”
    Her earlier realization that she had hurt him had softened her, and now her apparent surrender was having the same effect on him. Good.
    She looked at him and said, “Thanks.”
    He shook his head and looked away as though embarrassed by her gratitude. She saw her opening and said, “Gil. Why are you always so . . . hostile to me?”
    His expression was of someone trying to look perplexed and not quite pulling it off. “Hostile to you? I’m not hostile.”
    “Come on, you know you are. I can feel it all the time.”
    He shook his head again. “Look, I’ve got a job to do and I’m serious about it. I don’t always have time to be diplomatic. Some people don’t understand that.”
    Sure, that’s part of it, she thought, respecting his instinct for offering up something that wasn’t untrue, but simply half true.
    She offered a self-conscious laugh. “Okay, maybe I’m being too sensitive.”
    “You’ve got a hard job, too,” he offered. “I know that.”
    She looked down, as though his kindness had touched some deep part of her psyche, as though she wanted to tell him something more, but didn’t know how to find the words. She noted that he hadn’t done one of his visual scans in almost a minute.
    They were halfway to a connection. She knew he would be finding the prospect attractive, and wouldn’t want her to pull back from it now.
    “I’ll put up another message on the bulletin board,” she said. “Tell him I’m offended that he would leave me like that. Maybe I can get him to meet me again.”
    Gil nodded. She sensed that he would have preferred to stay on a less operational track. That he might unconsciously be willing to jump through a few hoops to get back to it.
    “Or maybe we could get a lead from the CIA,” she went on. “They’re looking for him, too. Have they made any inquiries with us?”
    “No? I would have thought they might check with friendly intelligence services.”
    “Not yet.”
    She nodded, then said, “You know, I was thinking about something. It’ll sound strange, but . . . Are we sure those men were CIA?”
    He nodded, probably enjoying the feeling of having information that she lacked, enjoying being in a position where she would have to ask him. “We’re sure,” he said.
    “Because, you know how the Americans are. It would be hard for them to run a guy like Lavi. If Congress found out, someone could get in trouble.”
    Gil laughed. Making fun of CIA fecklessness was like fishing in a barrel. And the joke had reminded him subtly that, c’mon, Gil, we’re not like that. We’re on the same team.
    “Look,” he said. “About a year ago, when we first got suspicious

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