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Killing Rain

Killing Rain

Titel: Killing Rain Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Barry Eisler
Vom Netzwerk:
looked at me, his expression darkening. “Look, man, I am absolutely not in the mood.”
    “There’s equipment that can triangulate on a cell phone. They had it in that van. It’s accurate to about twenty-five feet. Tiara, the lady-boy who liked you for yourself? Her job was probably to go to the adjacent bars to help narrow it down.”
    “How was I supposed to know that? You didn’t know either, not until after.”
    “Is it on now? Is it still on?”
    He blanched and squirmed forward in his seat to reach into his pocket. He pulled out his phone, flipped it open, and pressed a button. It issued its cheery farewell melody and powered off.
    “Why?” I asked. “Why would you leave that thing on?”
    “Look, man, I’ve got clients, okay? There are people who need to reach me.”
    “Not when we’re operational!” I paused, then said, “Clients, my ass. It was a girl, wasn’t it? Or girls.”
    His nostrils flared. “What if it was?”
    “You just opened a tunnel-sized hole in our security, while we’re operational, when we know we’ve got people looking for us, to get laid!”
    “You know, not everyone enjoys your well-developed sense of solitude, partner. I like a little companionship from time to time, yeah.”
    “They can use voice mail!”
    “All right, I get the point! I made a mistake, I admit it, okay? What more do you want from me?”
    I started to say something, then got a grip on myself. He was right, there was no point in playing I-told-you-so. And then I felt bad. He had just saved my ass back there with that chair.
    I closed my eyes and exhaled. “I’m sorry. Shit like what just happened makes me cranky, okay? Usually there’s no one around for me to take it out on.”
    There was a pause. Then he said, “I’m sorry, too. It was a dumb mistake. You were right.”
    “What happened, anyway? Where did you go? I thought something had happened to you.”
    He grinned, obviously coming back to himself. “Is that your way of telling me you care? ’Cause it gives me a warm feeling, it really does.”
    I looked at him. “I think I liked it better when you were puking.”
    He chuckled. “I just walked across the street to Lumpini to take a leak. I heard you shout, but it still took me a minute to cut off the stream and get Nessie put away.”
    Before I could think better of it, I asked, “ ‘Nessie’?”
    “You know, the Loch Ness Monster. I had a girlfriend once who named my . . .”
    “I get it, I get it.”
    “Anyway, I came running as fast as I could. Why’d you follow me out, anyway?”
    I told him about the feeling I’d gotten about “Tiara” being a set-up.
    “Damn, son,” he said, “you are good. I have to admit, that whole thing went right by me. I promise I’ll never call you paranoid again.”
    The cab pulled up in front of Chong Nonsi station. We got out and watched it pull away. “You see a sewer?” I asked, looking around. “We need to dump the knives. And the handkerchief.”
    “Dump them?”
    “Yeah. We don’t want to be carrying anything that would connect us with a recent multiple homicide, do we?”
    “Partner, I’ll have you know that the knives in question are a Benchmade AFCK and a Fred Perrin La Griffe. These are high-quality instruments of destruction and not so easy to come by. It would be wasteful in the extreme to ‘dump’ them.”
    I looked at him. “It would be ‘wasteful in the extreme’ to have the prosecution use them as evidence of why we should spend the rest of our lives in a Thai prison.”
    “All right, I understand where you’re coming from. Tell you what, how about if I sterilize them? Alcohol, bleach, whatever. You tell me how and I’ll do it. Plus you can have either one you want.”
    I paused for a moment. If we cleaned them, I supposed, the risk would be manageable. It would have been safer, more thorough, to get rid of them entirely, but maybe this was one of the many battles with Dox that wasn’t worth fighting.
    I said, “I’ll take the La Griffe.”
    He looked crestfallen. “Shit, man, I want the La Griffe. It’s so cool.”
    I rolled my eyes. “All right, whatever. I’ll take the AFCK.”
    He brightened. “Thanks, partner. You’re a good man.”
    “Since you’re feeling so magnanimous,” I said, “let’s keep moving for a while. I want to do a few more things to break the connection between us and what just happened in front of the club.”
    He shook his head. “I don’t have a problem with

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