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Leviathan or The Whale

Leviathan or The Whale

Titel: Leviathan or The Whale Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Philip Hoare
Vom Netzwerk:
    Massachusetts Bay
    Mather, Cotton
    Mayo, Charles ‘Stormy’
    Mayo family
    Mayo, Josiah
    Mawson, Sir Douglas
    Mary Celeste
    McQuhæ, Peter
    Mediterranean Sea
    Medway, river
    Meinhoff, Ulrike
    Melander, Jody
    Melvill, Alan
    Melville, Elizabeth (neé Shaw)
    Melville, Gansevoort
    Melville Hall, Richard, Moby
    Melville, Malcolm
    Melvill, Maria (neé Gansevoort)
    Melville family
    MELVILLE, HERMAN (1819-1891); physical description, eating habits, clothes; born, background and upbringing; to Liverpool; to New Bedford; to London; other British visits; whaling voyage; sexuality of; sex symbol; moves to Berkshires; friendship with Hawthorne; to Holy Land; writing
; retires; dies; WORKS: ‘Bartleby the Scrivener’;
Billy Budd
The Confidence-Man
    Melville, Stanwix
    Melvill, Thomas
    Merchant, Hamilton
    Mersey, river
    Metropole Hotel, Brighton
    Meynell, Viola
    Miencke, Norwegian sailor
    Mile End Road, London
    Milford Haven, Wales
    Millenium Dome, London
    Milton, John;
Paradise Lost
, ix
, Paradise Regained
(Balænoptera acutorostrata)
(Pike whale); origin of name; blow, feeding, stranded; hunted; recovering;
    Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
    Ministry of Food
    Minsky Dennis
    Mitre Tavern, London
    Moby, Richard Melville Hall
    ‘Moby Doll’
    MOBY-DICK; Or, The Whale:
described; writing of; publication of; compared to
; and Burton Constable whale; secret code; sexual symbolism in; as opera; modern interpretations. QUOTED:
    CHARACTERS: Ahab; Bildad, Captain; Daggoo; Gabriel, prophet; ISHMAEL: in New Bedford; in Nantucket; Father Mapple; Moby Dick; Peleg, Captain;
; Queequeg; Starbuck; Tashtego
    Mocha, island
    Mocha Dick (sperm whale)
    Mola mola (sun fish)
, whale-ship
    Montauk, Long Island
    Montrose, Scotland
    Monument Mountain, Mass
    Moore, Dennis Gilbert
    Moore, Patrick James
    Moore, Rose Margaret
    Moore, Sarah (neé Leonard)
    Moore, Theresa Marion (neé
    Moore, Thomas
    Morecambe Sands
    Morris, Oswald
    Morrison, W.S.
    Motta family
    Mount Greylock, Mass
    Mystic, Conn
see also
rorqual whales and separate species; 26
    Nahant, Boston
    Namu, (killer whale)
    Nantucket; described, whaling from;
    Nantucket Athenæum
    Nantucket sleighride
    Napoleon I
    Napoleon III
    Napoleon, Prince Eugene Louis, Prince Imperial
(Monodon monoceros)
(sea unicorn);
    Nassau, Count of, Prince Ernest
    Nassau Street, Manhattan
    Nattick Indians
    Natural History Museum, London; whale hall;
    National Gallery, London
    Nazi party
    Nelson, Horatio
    Netley hospital (Royal Victoria Hospital), Hants
    New Bedford, Mass; described;
    New Bedford Whaling Museum
    New England –
see also
Berkshires, Boston, Cape Cod, Lenox, Mystic, Pittsfield, Provincetown, Salem;
    New Forest, Hants
    Newington Butts, London
    New Kent Road, London
    Newport, Rhode Island
    New York –
see also
Bronx, Coney Island, Ellis Island, Liberty Island, Long Island, Manhattan, Long Island; described and history of; and sea serpent
    New York Society Library
    New York Times
    New York Tribune
    New Zealand Tom (sperm whale)
    Tsar Nicholas II
    Nietzsche, Friedrich;
Beyond Good and Evil
    The Night of the Hunter
    Nordhoff, Charles
    North German Lloyd, shipping line
    North Pole
    North Sea
    North-West Passage
    Norwich, New England
see also
sperm whale, killer whale, beluga, narwhal, beaked whale, dolphin, porpoise;
    Okubo, Ayako
    Old King Street, London
    Old Tom (sperm whale)
    Oliveira family
    Oliver, Mary
    Onassis, Aristotle
    Orleans, Cape Cod
    Orwell, George;
Coming up for Air
Inside the Whale
    Oslo, Norway
    Ostend, Belgium
    Our Lady of Lourdes
    Ouse, river
    Owen, Sir Richard
    Oxford Street, London
    Pacific Whaling Company
    Pannet Park, Whitby
    Paris, France
    Paris Review
    Parker, Richard
    Pattinson, Mr (baliff)
, barque
    Peaked Hill, Provincetown
    Pearl Street, Manhattan
    Pearsal, Mr (curator)
    Pease, Valentine
    Peck, Gregory
    Pembroke College, Cambridge
    Penniman, Augusta
    Penniman, Edward
    Penniman, Eugene
    Penn station, Manhattan
    The Pentagon
    Pentonville (prison)
    Pequot Indians
    Peterhead, Scotland
    Pet Manufacturer’s

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