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Leviathan or The Whale

Leviathan or The Whale

Titel: Leviathan or The Whale Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Philip Hoare
Vom Netzwerk:
    Cook, James
    Coney Island
, whale-ship
    Costa family
    County Street, New Bedford
    Coup, Zack
    Craven Street, London
    Credland, Arthur
    Creed’s of London
    Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector
    Crystal Palace, London
, whale-ship
    Cuvier, Frédéric (1773-1838)
    Cuvier, Baron, Georges (1769-1832)
    Dagenham, Essex
    Dahl, Roald
    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
    Dale Street, Liverpool
    Darwin, Charles
    Davis, Egerton Y
    Davis Straits
    Davis, W.M.:
Nimrod of the Sea
    Defoe, Daniel
    De Groot, Pat
    De Kay, J.E.
, packet-ship
    Delumba, Mark
    Dennis, Cape Cod
    De Poyster, Mr
    Deptford, London
    Deptford Pier
    Dewhurst, Henry:
Natural History of the Cetacea
    Dickens, Charles
    dinosaur –
see also
separate species;
Discovery II
    Disney, Walt
    DOLPHIN; bottlenose,
(Tursiops truncatus)
; ocean dolphins, river dolphins; Commerson’s
(Cephalorhynchus commersonii)
, common
(Delphinus delphis)
; Ganges river dolphin
(Platanista gangetica)
; Haviside’s
(Cephalorhynchus heavisidii)
, spotted
(Stenella frontalis)
, striped
(Stenella cæruleoalba)
, white-beaked
(Lagenorhychus albirostris)
, white-sided
(Lagenorhychus acutus)
; in captivity; strandings; military use of; intelligence of; hunted
    Donne, John
    Don Miguel (sperm whale)
    Douglas, Kirk
    Douglass, Frederick, (1818-1895),
Narrative of Frederick Douglass
    Drake, Edwin L.
    Dreadnought Seamen’s Hospital-ship
    Drevar, George
    D’Wolf, John
, whale-ship
    Durban, South Africa
    Dürer, Albrecht;
    Dusky Sound, New Zealand
    Duyckinck, Evert, (1816-1878)
    Duyckinck, George
    Eastern Harbor, Cape Cod
    Eastham, Mass
    East Newton, Yorks
    East Riding, Yorks
    Eclectic Society of London
    Edinburgh Castle, tavern, London
    Edinburgh, HRH Prince Philip, Duke of
    Edward II
    Eisenhower, Dwight D.
    Elephant and Castle, London
    elephant seal
    Elizabeth I
    HRH Elizabeth II
    Eliza Swann
, whale-ship
    Elking, Henry
    Ellery Epes
    Ellis Island, New York
    Emerson, Ralph Waldo
    Emmons, Ebenezer,
Report of the Mammalia
, steam tug
, ship
    Enderby and Sons
    Enderby, Samuel
    The English Channel
    The Enlightenment
, whale-ship
, whale-ship
    European Union
    Evans-Jones, Elizabeth
    Evelyn, John
    Exeter, Devon
    Faial (Fayal), Azores
    Fairhaven, Mass
    Falkland Islands
    Falklands War
    Faroe Islands
    Faversham, Kent
    Ferreira, Dorothy
    Field, David Dudley
    Filey, Yorks
(Balænoptera physalus)
(finback, finner); described, hunted; stranded; blows; identified, feeding; modern threats to; individuals: Braid, Loon;
    First World War
    Firth of Forth
    Fishguard, Wales
    Fitzgerald, F Scott:
The Gr eat Gatsby
    Flamborough Head, Yorks
    Flannery Sir Fortescue
    Fleet Market, London
    Fleet Street, London
    Floating Chapel
    Flower, Sir William
    flying fish
    Folger family
    Folger, Timothy
    Fort Stanwix
    Fowles, John
    Foyn, Svend
    Frazier, Sir James:
The Golden Bough
    Free Public Library, New Bedford
    Free Willy
    French Academy (L’Académie Francais)
    Friends of the Earth
    Frobisher, Sir Martin
    Fugitive Slave Law
    Fylingdales, Yorks
    Gansevoort, Peter
    Galápagos Islands
    Garbo, Greta
    Gardner, Edward
    Gardner family
    Genn, Leo
    George III
    Ghent, Belgium
    giant squid
(Archeuteuthis dux)
    Gilbert, Sir Humphrey
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Gloucester, Cape Ann
    Gold Rush
    Goldsmith, Oliver:
Animated Nature
    Gordon, Jonathan
    Gramercy Park, Manhattan
(see also
    Grampus Bay
    Grant, Cary
    Gravesend, Kent
    Great Exhibition
    Great Hollow, Cape Cod
    The Great Hunger
    Green, Carlos
    Greene, Richard T. (Toby)
    Greenland Sea
    Greenland Yards, Hull
    Greenwich, London
    Greenock, Scotland
    Grenadine Islands
(Eschrichtius robustus)
    Griffiths, Elizabeth
    Griffiths, Julia
    Grove Street, Whitby
    Grytviken, South Georgia
    Gulf of Maine
    Gulf Stream
    Gulf War, second
    Hackney Empire
    The Hague
    Haley, Nelson Cole
    Hamburg, Germany
    hawksbill turtle
    Hancock, Mass
    Hanson, Kenneth O.
    Harmer, Sidney
, whale-ship
    Harper and Brothers
    Harvard, Mass
    Harwich, Cape Cod
    Hashidate Maru
, whale-ship
    Haworth, Yorks
    Hawthorne, Julian
    Hawthorne, Nathaniel, (1804-1864); background; friendship with Melville; friendship with Thoreau;

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