Lizenz zum Töten: Die Mordkommandos der Geheimdienste (German Edition)
National Security Archives Washington; Schreiben von John Mulholland an Sidney Gottlieb v. 20. 4. 1953, Michael Edwards’ files ; Memorandum Project MK ultra, Subproject 4, von Sidney Gottlieb v. 4. 5. 1953; Schreiben von John Mulholland an die Herausgeber The Sphinx v. 29. 6. 1953; Schreiben von John Mulholland an Sidney Gottlieb v. 20. 4. 1953, 11. 5. 1973 und 11. 11. 1953; Egmont R. Koch, »Die magische Hand der CIA«, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin v. 3. 5. 2002; John Mulholland, »Mulholland’s Book of Magic«, New York 1963.
Das Komitee
Summary Report on CIA Investigation on MK Naomi, Joint Hearings Before the Subcommittee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church-Komitee), Sitzungen v. 10., 12. 9., 9. 10. und 7. 11. 1975; Ed Regis, »The Biology of Doom«, New York 1999; »The Congo 1960 – State Terrorism and Foreign Policy«, US-Senate, Report of Proceedings, 1975; Ted Gup, »The Coldest Warrior«, Washington Post Magazine v. 16. 12. 2001; G.J.A O’Toole, »Honorable Treachery: A History of U.S. Intelligence«, New York 1991; Egmont R. Koch, Michael Wech, »Deckname Artischocke«, München 2002; Charles Baier, »Red Tide andShellfisch Poisoning: Toxic Products of Marine Algae«, Principles of Environmental Toxicology, University of Idaho, December 2000; Ludo De Witte, »L’assassinat de Lumumba«, Paris 1999; Tim Weiner, »Legacy of Ashes – The History of the CIA«, New York 2007; »Conclusions de la commission d’enquete sur les circonstances de la mort de Patrice Lumbumba«, Brüssel 2001; Steve Weissman, »Opening the Secret Files on Lumumba’s Murder«, Washington Post v. 21. 7. 2002; Avery Plaw, »Targeting Terrorists«, Hampshire/Burlington 2008; Michael Schmitt, »State-sponsered Assassination in International and Domestic Law«, International Law Sudies 1992; »Ermittlungen zum Fall Lumumba«, Süddeutsche Zeitung v. 14. 12. 2012; Amy Zegart, »A Plot to Assassinate Castro was Approved by CIA Director Allen Dulles«, New York Times v. 26. 6. 2007; Marita Lorenz und Wilfried Huismann, »Lieber Fidel«, München 2000; Don Bohning, »The Castro Obsession, U.S. Covert Operations Against Cuba«, 2005; Warren Hinckle und William W. Turner, »The Fish is Red: The Story of the Secret War Against Castro«, New York 1981; Henry Kissinger, »Years of Renewal«, New York 2000; Keith Hitchens, »The Trial of Henry Kissinger«, London 2002; Dale Andradé, »Ashes to Ashes: The Phoenix Program and the Vietnam War«, Lanham 1990; Mark Moyar, »Phoenix and the Birds of Prey«, London 2007; Executive Order 12333 v. 4. 12. 1981, 46 FR 59941, 3 CFR, 1981, S. 200; Nils Melzer, »Targeted Killings in International Law«, Oxford 2008.
Die Jagd beginnt
Robert Baer, »Der Niedergang der CIA«, München 2002; Avery Plaw, »Targeting Terrorists«, Hampshire/Burlington 2008; Ronen Bergman, »The Secret War With Iran«, New York 2008; Peter L. Bergen, »Die Jagd auf Osama bin Laden«, München 2012; Mark Bowden, »Killing Osama«, Berlin 2012; Samueal M. Katz, »Relentless Pursuit«, New York 2002; »Adress to the Nation by the President«, White House Press Secretary v. 20. 8. 1998; Tim Weiner, »Legacy of Ashes – The History of the CIA«, New York 2007; Jeffrey T. Richelson, »When Kindness Fails: Assassination as a National Security Option«, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence , 2002; Catherine Lotrionte, »The Just War Doctrine and Covert Responses to Terrorism«, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs , 2002; Richard A. Clarke, »Against All Enemies«, New York 2004; Donald Goddard and Lester K. Coleman, »Trail of the Octopus«, New York 1994; Nils Melzer, »Targeted Killings in InternationalLaw«, Oxford 2008; Jason Burke, »Al-Qaeda«, London 2003; Bob Woodward, »Bush at War«, New York 2002; John F. Burns, »A Nation Challenged: The Manhunt«, New York Times v. 17. 2. 2002.
Phoenix revival
John Sifton, »A Brief History of Drones«, The Nation v. 27. 2. 2012; Marc W. Herold, »The Problem With the Predator«, Whittemore School of Business Ecocomics, University of New Hampshire, Studie v. 12. 1. 2003; »Defense Department onf Zhawar Kili Attack«, US Department of State Pressemitteilung v. 11. 2. 2002; Avery Plaw, »Targeting Terrorists«, Hampshire/Burlington 2008; Seymour M. Hersh, »Manhunt«, The New Yorker v. 23. und 30. 12. 2002; William Banks, »Legal Sanctuaries and Predator Strikes in the War on Terror«, in: Denial of Sanctuary,
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