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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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if it is only for thirty or forty more years before you pass on to the fields that await humans, it's thirty or forty more years I am allowed to love you, be near you."
    "Such devotion." Cole's fingers stroked down Raziel's cheek after a moment's pause. "I don't deserve it."
    Raziel shivered, unable to look away from Cole's eyes. His voice was softer, a little breathless as he murmured, "Yes, you do. You deserve to find the one who will walk through life with you, always wishing for your happiness while supporting you through your trials and encouraging you to achieve your potential. If you search, I know you'll find that person, someone who is everything Daniel couldn't be for you."
    Cole leaned in just a little closer, and Raziel forgot to breathe. He could feel Cole's breath against his face, smell the mint of his toothpaste and the coffee he'd been nursing throughout the morning. Cole paused there, hovering so close to him, that little smile still curving his lips, and just when Raziel began to search for something else to say, Cole whispered, "Strange that I should have to search when I can find all those things in you."
    Raziel felt his heart leap in his chest, and he'd never wanted to kiss Cole more than in that moment. He arched his neck ever so slightly, yearning to press their lips together, but it wasn't proper. That thought kept him from closing the entire distance, even if he couldn't help but lean toward Cole. He was almost embarrassed by the spark of recognition he suddenly saw in Cole's dark eyes. Cole had read into his movement, could probably even read the desire on his face. He was too open. After so long being invisible, it had never occurred to him to learn how to school his features properly.
    His wings shifted as he began to right himself, but taking a step back was made impossible when Cole's fingers moved from his cheek back to cup the nape of his neck. His eyes widened at the intimate touch, and his skin prickled in the most wonderful, unusual way. He was right in the middle of a twittering sound when Cole closed in, pressing their lips together in a kiss so gentle, so chaste, that it left Raziel dizzy, like the floor gave way beneath his feet, sending him floating.
    Cole slowly pulled back, his breath teasing Raziel's wet lips. "Am I going to hell for lustful thoughts about an angel?"
    Raziel laughed, his wings shivering with the sound. "No."
    Cole drew him into another bout of kissing, and though Raziel knew he should stop it, should push Cole toward another human that could fulfill his needs, he found himself being selfish. He wanted Cole. He wanted these kisses, the taste of Cole on his tongue, and a chirping purr filled the air as he sagged against Cole, allowed him to kiss him until both their heads were spinning.
    Raziel perched on the foot of Cole's bed, watching his charge sleep. The kisses had continued throughout the day, stolen whenever Cole was alone with him. Returning to the apartment, he'd tried to give Cole space to think, but by the time Cole had eaten and showered, the kisses had resumed. Only kisses. Raziel brought his fingers to his lips and smiled. He could still feel and taste Cole's lips against his. The kisses had made his heart race and his body tighten in ways he'd not felt before. He wanted more. He wanted to know the sweaty pleasures he'd witnessed between Cole and Daniel in the past. Raziel didn't think Cole would love him as he'd loved Daniel, and just the thought made his wings droop.
    Cole shifted, and Raziel's focus came back to the present. He took a peek inside Cole's mind, and the flashes of thought and emotion made him chirp softly with concern. A nightmare. He hated when Cole had nightmares. It meant there was much going on in his soul that Cole was pushing away. It also meant there was little he could do to help. Cole would have to come to terms with Daniel's departure in his own time, of course, but he couldn't just bury everything inside indefinitely.
    Raziel leaned a little farther over the bed, closer to Cole, using his wings to balance him. "Oh, Cole," he whispered. "You have to grieve. You have to feel the pain so there can be room for future pleasure in your heart."
    A rumble of sound escaped Cole, and Raziel reached out, brushing the back of his hand tenderly over Cole's cheek and stubble. It was the touch he often gave when Cole was sleeping restlessly, and it had the usual effect of quieting him down, letting him relax in the

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