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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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something about two men passionately in love that just makes her heart melt, and she has no intention of giving that up anytime soon.
    S.L. Armstrong lives in Florida with her husband, two dogs, and seven cats. She hates the heat and longs for a northern, snowy climate. She writes with K. Piet on a number of projects, but she also writes her own solitary titles as well. S.L. Armstrong owns Storm Moon Press LLC along with her husband and K. Piet, and she is proud of all they accomplish with the micro press.
    Author bio: K. Piet was born in California and raised in Flagstaff, Arizona, with her older sister and two cats. After studying in three different states and graduating magna cum laude from the University of Nevada – Las Vegas in Kinesiological Sciences, K. moved back to Flagstaff to pursue a career in therapeutic bodywork and massage. Her private massage business places an emphasis on sports massage for circus performers, dancers, and athletes training at high altitude.
    Throughout high school and college, writing fiction was little more than a pleasant diversion from required essays and applied science courses. After working with author S.L. Armstrong on a number of small writing projects and coming to see the act of writing as a learned skill, K. found a new zeal for the challenge and now writes as a sideline career. She is particularly fond of writing in the High Fantasy and Paranormal genres, adding her own homoerotic, and often kinky, flair to her fiction.
    K. was once locally published in Flagstaff for her poetry in high school and has been a featured artist for the convention group CirqueCon. 2010 was her debut year at Storm Moon Press, the small, independent, erotic-romance press she cofounded with S. L. Armstrong in order to self-publish their collaborative fiction.
    K. also enjoys drawing, circus arts such as flying trapeze and aerial silks, musical theater, and hoopdancing, all of which she feels balance her scientific, kinesiological side with her passion for the artistic and dramatic. Her love of the human body and its endless possibilities bleeds into nearly every facet of her life, from massage, to writing, to staring at the attractive men at the local Renaissance Fair...
    Just kidding on that last part. Really.

    by Kim Alan

    This is Dr. Mac. The dog, Sir Winston is one of his best patients. Dr. Mac has two ladies working for him who have made it their mission in life to match him with a man who doesn't mind the long hours and a stray or two, or three. I'd like him to meet a gruff, surly type…maybe with a lap dog (like a Shih-tzu) and after a huge misunderstanding have a HEA.
    ~ Leah

    genre: contemporary
    tags: age gap; veterinarian; blue-collar; gruff character; father; dogs; matchmaking; first time; mild D/s, mild bondage
    word count: 17,263
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    by Kim Alan
    Dr. Jordan Mackenzie ran a soothing hand over the broad back of the bulldog on his examining table, all the encouragement the hefty canine needed to flop sideways until his back pressed against Jordan. He was the biggest— and ugliest— bulldog Jordan had ever seen, complete with the under bite and snaggletooth. But, there was nothing wrong with the dog unless you counted a distinct lack of aesthetic appeal. And ambition. And personality.
    Jordan shook his head. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Miller. I think Winston is feeling the effects of his age." It was the same thing every couple months. "Have you switched him over to the diet we talked about?"
    The eye dodge— ridiculously dramatic what with the volume of mascara weighing her down— was all it took to get the answer to that question. "I know, Dr. Mac. I just don't have the heart to deprive him like that!" Thin, bejeweled hands fluttered dramatically.
    Jordan withheld the long suffering sigh and prayed for patience. "It's not depriving him, Mrs. Miller. It's taking care of him." He attached the dog's leash— like the lazy thing would ever venture... anywhere— and hefted the animal off the table. He used his Trust-me-I'm-a-Doctor Voice, "Give it another try, and let me know in a month how he takes to it."
    Mrs. Miller was a wealthy, eccentric woman in her seventies whose visits to the vet had increased in frequency and hysteria since the death of her husband two years prior. She turned and led the way out of the exam room with the air

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