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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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    The women returned, looking appropriately subdued. Jordan took the carrier from Lizzy and propped it on the counter in front of Cal. "Here you go."
    Cal bent to look in the grated door of the small kennel. His lip actually curled. "Is this a joke?" He eyed Jordan, obviously not seeing the humor if this was, in fact, a joke.
    "Nope." Jordan felt his lips twitch and fought the smile, knowing full well that that damn dimple at the corner of his mouth gave him away, anyway. "That's Brutus."
    "Brutus?" He looked horrified, still, apparently, not seeing the humor. "Seriously?"
    Jordan just shrugged, amused with Cal's calculated study of the animal, which was already nosing the grate, trying to gain his affection.
    "Looks like an electrocuted rodent." Cal stood, lifting the pet carrier in front of his face. "From Whoville." Black eyes and a riot of white hair shook in time with the wagging tail. "This is a real dog?" He hefted the kennel and shook it slightly, eliciting a small yip from within. "Can't weigh five pounds, even with the box."
    Jordan had to laugh. "He is a dog, yes. A miniature mixed breed. Your grandmother picked him up from the shelter benefit last week. He's a sweet-tempered pup, about six months old."
    Cal snorted, obviously not impressed. "Whatever, I guess. I'm just here to pick it up."
    Jordan handed him the bag of food samples and several printed sheets of paper. "His post-op care instructions are here, though he's recovered nicely in the time he's been with us. I've already talked with Nina so she knows what to do from here."
    "Post-op?" Cal squinted at the perfectly healthy-looking, if sort of freakish, dog. Jordan was sure he didn't imagine the tiny flicker of concern in those carefully veiled eyes. "What's wrong with him?"
    "Nothing. Just a routine neutering." He nodded sympathetically at Cal's wince, tempted to slap a companionable hand down on the man's shoulder. "I know, but it is the responsible thing to do."
    Cal shrugged, not looking at all convinced, but he took the bag and the dog and headed for the door without another word.
    "Cal, wait." Jordan was surprised—and aroused in a way he would evaluate later—when the man stopped dead at his command. Cal turned slowly and waited silently. "My after-hours numbers are on those printed sheets. You, or Nina, can call me if you need anything at all." A nod and a delicious flexing of hamstrings were his only response.
    The second he was out of sight, Jordan rounded on his staff. "All right, you two. What is up with you?"
    The too innocent looks didn't faze him. He sterned it up a bit. "Your behavior made our client visibly uncomfortable, and I'd like an explanation, right now."
    Lizzy, always the talker for the two, stepped forward with a gleam in her eye. "You saw Winston glob onto him." Jordan just lifted his eyebrows and waved impatiently at her to continue. "He's totally matchmaking you two!"
    Jordan's jaw dropped. "What?" He gaped. "What are you talking about?"
    Lizzy and Andrea giggled, grating against the last of the nerve Mrs. Miller and her dog had shredded. "That dog is a walking gaydar machine, Doctor Mac, didn't you know that? I can't believe Mrs. Miller didn't tell you all about it."
    He couldn't be any more dumbstruck if he tried. "That is the biggest pile of ..." He shook his head and turned to leave. "You know what? Never mind."
    Lizzy bounced on her toes. "But it's true!"
    Andrea nodded, adding, "When Mrs. Miller brought him in here the first time and he did that to you?" Jordan could only stare mutely and wait for the rest. "She told us he has an 'uncanny ability'" —air quotes included— "to identify gay men, and that he just loves them."
    Jordan snorted. "First, that's ridiculous. And second, that man is the epitome of straight, ladies." He turned towards his office, determined to give them no additional ammunition by revealing his interest. It was probably far more likely he was right and Cal was as straight as they come. Then again, dogs were incredibly sensitive animals, were they not? He couldn't help but wonder.
    His pondering was put on hold when the girls' excited voices called to him. Turning back, he saw them pointing out the front door where, to his horror, Jordan saw that Cal was about to be accosted by Winston. Again.
    Jordan was almost at the scene of the crime when the impact occurred. He heard Cal curse before he whirled to confront Mrs. Miller.
    "Seriously, lady," Cal began, just as Jordan

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