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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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heard a second vehicle drive up and stop. A door opened and someone emerged.
    "Devlin. Enough of this foolishness. It's time to come home." Rostarin, the head of the Ursidae Council, commanded.
    The two enforcers got me to my feet and turned me to Rostarin. He wore a black double-breasted suit. I could see two others getting out of his car, clad similarly.
    Holy Shit, what were they doing here?
    "What? You banished me." How had they even known where to find me?
    "We gave you a cooling off period to come to your senses. I see it failed." Rostarin gestured to the enforcers who held my arms. "It's time to come home and take a mate. This is not a choice."
    I sneered at him. "I've already chosen a mate and bonded."
    He walked up to me, looked me in the eyes and said in a quiet, menacing voice, "We know what you have done."
    I had to consciously force myself to pick my jaw up off the ground. "What? How? Why take me when it's too late?"
    "Did you think we just let you go without keeping tabs on you? You surprised us. We didn't know you would stop here."
    They have been watching me? I knew the council was powerful and had broad leeway to run the Sleuth, but this crossed a line. "It doesn't matter. Kyle and I are bonded. Game over." Why was he smiling at me?
    He gestured with his hand dismissing my concern. "Bonds can be broken."
    My stomach flipped and nausea rose in me. "You wouldn't… you wouldn't kill him, just to get me. You would start a war with the wolves."
    "Oh, Devlin…," Rostarin said smugly, "We don't need to kill him. We can break the bond."
    He must be lying… I would have known about such a thing, wouldn't I? "What? That's impossible."
    "The council has always had both the ability and the authority to do so."
    I wanted to smack him. I tried to lift my arm, but the butt head holding me just tightened his grip. I tried to shake him off and was thanked by having my arm yanked half out of its socket.
    Rostarin smirked. "We keep it quiet so couples won't bother us every time they have an argument."
    My mouth dropped open and a deep sense of betrayal filled me. What else had they been hiding?
    Rostarin turned to the two other bears that had been standing to the side watching. "Now, block his bond for transport."
    Block my bond? Kyle! The bears are here. They're taking me.
    Those two bear shifters had moved in close and each placed a hand on my arm for just a moment. Before I could say more to Kyle, emptiness filled me like deafening silence. This didn't hurt like the incomplete bond, a wound that could not heal. This was more like having ear plugs in. I could sense him, I just couldn't hear him. What the fuck had they done?
    My control of my inner bear slipped, and I started to shift.
    "Stop that." Rostarin ordered gesturing at me with his hand.
    Pain washed through my head like a thousand tiny explosions. I fell to my knees as my brain shattered into a million pieces.
    The two holding my arms dragged me to my feet and pushed me into one of the SUVs. One of the bastards got in behind me.
    By the time my head cleared, we were well on our way north to the place I once called home.
    As we arrived on the Sleuth's lands and drove to my family's home, dread filled me. I had not been home in five years.
    Instead of a joyful reunion, I wanted to scream. Why should I have to choose between my mate and my family?
    My parents were waiting out in front surrounded by my brothers and sisters. My mother carried a small infant in her arms. A toddler played at her feet. A few other bears around my age held onto some of my siblings— their mates.
    Tears streamed down my face as I looked upon my father and mother. Her face was as wet as mine. I climbed out of the car and walked towards them. My mother embraced me.
    Rostarin spoke from behind me. "The ceremony will begin in two hours. We need that time to prepare."
    I looked back at him. Anxiety shook me to the core. "What ceremony?" I asked.
    But I knew.
    "The one that breaks your bond," he said, his voice filled with contempt.
    Panic. "No, please. You can't!" I would have gotten down on my knees and begged if I thought it would help, but I knew it was hopeless. I had lived with this attitude my whole life.
    "We can, and we will." He growled at me, his eyes narrowed. "We will have all of the available choices for mates gathered. You will have a real bond tonight."
    But my bond with Kyle was real. It was perfect. I tried to reach for him but… nothing.
    I went inside, into

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