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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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sometimes. As for Zosimos, he never settled long enough to listen to anything Eleftherios had to say. So set was he in things that concerned only him and travelling the world. But, each of them was his own person, and he would not consider changing them for any reason in the world.
    "Neither would I, but your brothers remind me of the blades you forge so well. They need the extra beating to turn out better tempered."
    Eleftherios considered telling her to leave his brothers alone. They didn't need any help from her, but he changed his mind. It wouldn't be like it helped matters considering the smile on Athena's face. She had heard his thoughts again.
    "Your curse has been lifted. Your lovers await."
    Eleftherios eyed Athena suspiciously. That was strangely easier than he had expected, especially considering that he had not yet asked her to remove the curse.
    "Please do not take my words as a sign of ingratitude, but what made you decide to suddenly remove the curse, especially when my mother died with it still upon her?"
    "Medusa learnt her lesson when it was too late. You proved that you do not need to be taught such a lesson, hence, the removal."
    "And when did I show you that I did not need such a lesson?"
    "When you were on the mountain, of course. It takes cool intellect to make a decision like that and not rush through it, especially when one is faced with a grave matter like life and death."
    "I do not understand," Eleftherios said with a shake of his head. Would the gods ever speak plainly? It seemed like they delighted in giving vague responses. Maybe they received training from older gods in the ways of frustrating man.
    Athena laughed. "There is some element of truth in that." Her voice grew serious as she turned to fully look Eleftherios in his eyes. "It takes a tremendous amount of control to make a decision logically when blood is pumping through your body, whether you are in heat or you are in danger. You handled the situation well and were not carried away by your emotions nor did you let them make the decision for you. All this you did while considering others. Your mother, unfortunately never did that." She sighed a little, her eyes leaving his to stare into the distance for a while. "Poseidon used her to further the disagreement we have, a dispute that arose over which god would reign supreme over Athens. I won, and Poseidon has neither forgotten nor accepted that."
    "If that be the case, why punish my mother alone since they were two caught in the act? She had only come to your temple to seek your face. Why did you not punish the god who had seduced her, 'til she lost her senses?"
    "I do not have the power to punish a god. Only the king of the gods can make that judgment. What was in my power was to punish the mortal that had let emotion prevail over reason and desecrated my temple."
    Athena returned her eyes to his face and held her helmet closer to her body. "Hurry along, Eleftherios. Your lovers are waiting, and I have other people to teach."
    "Before you leave, a question."Athena turned to look at him, a half-smile already waiting on her face. "Why didn't I turn to stone all who looked upon me? Why only my lovers?"
    "Silly, Eleftherios. Because of the reasons I already told you, of course. You are not your mother. So, you cannot be cursed the same way she was. Send my greetings to your aunt," Athena called out.
    One minute she was there, and the next, she was gone. Eleftherios blinked hard, his head raised to the image of the bronze Athena. He felt his lips widen and turned around to start his journey home. If he were to believe the words of a goddess, his lovers waited for him.
    Eleftherios's hands shook as he pushed open the door; his nerves were strung with anticipation. His mind had shuffled between delight and fear on the journey back home. He hoped that Athena would keep her word and Nikandros and Vasilios would be back to normal, and he worried that it would turn out that she had merely said what she felt he wanted to hear. His thoughts had then swung to what would happen if truly, they had been restored. Would they accept him with open arms or would they turn him away after they learned what he had inadvertently caused?
    By the time he had gotten back to Lucania, his palms had become sweaty, and his mouth had dried. His heart raced as he entered the house, eyes opened wide in anticipation and a prayer on his lips.
    He moved into the poorly lit room and froze in his tracks.

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