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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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spread to the back of my head. I glanced at Drew and clasped his hand. He looked at his dad, then me. "Drew," Harry addressed him then paused, as we jerked our gazes to him. "I offer you a clerkship in my practice every holiday you can spare, so to learn the basics of the business, become acquainted with the clients and of everyday aspects of practising law and other profitable associated activities. If you agree and you meet my approval, you will become a partner when you gain your solicitor's Practising Certificate after your graduation. When I'm no longer useful, you'll have the opportunity to take over."
    I sat stunned, staring at Harry, as I digested the meaning of his words, in the end wanting to scream Thank you, Harry! I looked at Drew, seeing the look of disbelief on his face.
    "Harry. Why?" he stuttered.
    The old man looked at Drew, drifted his gaze to me, then back to Drew. "You know why."
    "What income will he expect, Harry?" Jim asked.
    "Come into my office tomorrow and we'll show you," Albert replied. "You won't be wasting your time."
    "But won't Drew's sexuality, when it's found out, and that will happen, deter many of your clients."
    "No," Harry's quietly spoken wife, Margaret, stated. All in the room swung their gaze to her, as she paused and wrung her hands in her lap, before she continued. "For you see, we raised and shared our life with a beautiful gay son, our Bill, our second child." She continued in a hushed tone, "Hundreds of relatives, friends and townsfolk attended his funeral, not for us, for him."
    "Would you like to have the rest of the chocolate?" Drew asked.
    "I can't, the sun's melted the egg."
    "Yes you can."
    "How?" I glanced at him, detecting fun in his voice and noticing his cock sticking up like a rocket about to blast off.
    "Easy, just dip your fingers in the stuff and…"
    "And what, sexy."
    "Rub it over my cock."
    "Then what?"
    "Then, as you like the flavour of that chocolate so much, you might like to lick it off, maybe even suck it off." He stared at me, grinning to blazes, yet seeing my confusion. "Please, Alex, give it a try. You know how much you like me sucking you, and how I love doing it, and how much I'd love you to try on me."
    He's right of course, for I love feeling his lips and slick tongue on my cock, buried in the moist warmth of his mouth. I love feeling the exquisite mayhem they cause to my body. I love exploding in his mouth and love the feeling of my warm cum on my cock when he swirls it around on his tongue. I love him swallowing my cum and seeing the grin on his face and sparkles in his eyes when he raises his head and looks at me. I can't deny it, I simply love him sucking me.
    I've thought more about my revulsion to taking a cock in my mouth. I realise that with Drew, the circumstances are different, that I love him and cherish his cock. I know I shouldn't treat him on the same level as the demon who terrorised me and forced himself on me. I hate the memories of choking on his disgusting vile salami sausage , as I always thought of it, and its stinking alcohol tasting fluid. But every time my mouth gets near Drew's dick, I panic. I want to please him and return the brain-blowing experiences his mouth gives to me, and I know that to do so, I must get over this mental block. Maybe, if I think I'm sucking chocolate, and not his cock, I can. Maybe it's worth giving a try, maybe with my eyes closed, sort of letting my tongue find its way to mop up the chocolate, rather than think I'm ravishing the hot flesh my hand loves doing so much.
    I looked at him and swung my legs off the poolside recliner, stroked his cock a few times with my left hand and dipped my other fingers in the chocolate, swirling them in the warm stuff. I stared into his eyes and said, "You planned this didn't you, after discovering I'm a sucker for chocolate. I suppose you also suggested your parents show Ross some wineries this hot afternoon, too."
    He grinned.
    "I'm glad you did, you crafty, hot horny man," I said as I painted his lips with my fingers then leaned over to kiss them. "Mmmm," I hummed, licking the chocolate off my lips. "I wonder if your cock will taste as sweet as those."
    "There's only one way to find out, Choc-lips."
    "Mmmm," I hummed again, feeling my stomach tense as I placed the foil wrap close to his pubes, dipped my fingers in the brown goo and slathered the runny stuff over the head of his hard cock. I had a brain-wave, imagining my fingers were coating a

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