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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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    Drew brought a surf club member on one of his weekend visits, a quiet, shy, considerate guy, struggling to overcome the effects of being raped and traumatised by two overpowering creeps he met in a pub he ventured into one night, seeking companionship. His attackers are rotting in prison, while Nigel now lives here permanently. He and Brad quickly hooked up and are partners, with Nigel assisting in managing the operation and conducting the many sporting and recreational activities. What a changed bloke he's become, an example of what can happen given the proper environment and encouragement. He also teams up with Drew to give free swimming instruction at the public pool on weekends every school holidays. Half the time Brad and I think the mums bring their kids to the pool just to perve on their friggin' awesome lifesaver bodies!
    As expected, Drew impressed Harry, quickly learning the office routines, and the numerous services and departments the business regularly deals with. Before the first summer holidays ended, he'd become practised in attending to minor client matters, his easy manner and dedication winning their confidence, and Harry's blessing and signature where necessary. I learnt that part of Harry's grooming process involved inviting Drew to meetings of the civic groups, to meet the members and often to deliver a short speech.
    Jim had relented to Drew's wishes, his opinion swayed by current income numbers Albert showed him and forecasts of future housing and population growths expected for many years because of the mining boom in the district. As a result, Albert predicted a prosperous future, expecting the already excellent conveyancing fees on property transfers to treble, along with flow-on family and civil matters.
    Drew returned Paddles to his pool, and continued his early evening run with Freckles, our year old Dalmatian, by his side. I stayed at home, swinging in the jumbo Mexican hammock on the balcony overlooking the swimming hole, feeling too buggered to join him after a hectic long day working the season's cherry harvest. This year's yield will be a boomer, both in quality and quantity, the result of intensive soil fertilisation and tree maintenance programs I implemented, under expert guidance from the Department of Agriculture, to rectify the years of neglect by The Rat . I hoped my dad would be proud.
    I lay contented, looking at the peaceful scene, remembering the day Dad crawled out on the tree limb and hung the old rope swing, and of my whoops and shrieks, as I'd sweep out in my birthday rig and let go and splash down near him. My old memories of him were the best I had. My dad, my hero, always being there to make me laugh, or to help me, calm me and revive me when I felt down by hugging and rocking me in his arms. He never spanked or reprimanded me harshly, instead explained my errors and suggested ways to avoid repeating them. I hoped he would be pleased with my progress.
    Of course, Drew is my saviour, that amazing person who came into my life that fateful day nearly two years ago, finding me, befriending me and saving me from the hell and despair I lived in. Yet he did so, while grieving the cruel and sad loss of his friend, Luke, who never surfaced, he later told me, after the surf boat he rowed in, had broached and capsized on a wave. His body washed up on the beach two days later.
    Who knows where I'd be without him, without his calming and encouraging influences? He is the reason my ADHD has virtually disappeared. His presence subdues my tensions, my oftentimes uncontrollable, illogical thinking and harmful actions. His perseverance, patient support and guidance builds my confidence. He eliminated the terror and anxiety that surged through my body, the betrayal that crippled my spirit, and the depression and feelings of helplessness. He energised me with his companionship and by embracing me in his love. He became the first person to treat me as an equal, to appreciate me as I am, to defend me against antagonists, to coach me to overcome weaknesses, to develop abilities, and to embolden me to achieve. I look at him in admiration, amazed at his inner strength, giving and assisting me so much, yet, in my mind, receiving so little in return. Sunny disagrees, reminding me of the help I've been to him to overcome his grief after losing Luke.
    He acclaimed my achievements, no matter how minor or insignificant they seemed to be. He encouraged me to train with him in the

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