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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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beer and our spring waters. "Here's to us," he said, raising his can, then drawing it to his lips. A sudden silence prevailed as he peered at us. "You guys look great together. Wish I had a boyfriend. Damned hard to meet and hook up when you're stuck in one of these tractors. Still, one can hope, you never know what can plop in yer lap, do ya?"
    "What happened to you, Brad? Hope you don't mind me asking."
    "Nah, she's apples. I hit a damned rabbit hole in me quaddie while mustering sheep on me old's property four years ago when I was fourteen. Over I went and the bike landed on me back, paralysing both legs. Fortunately, me dick still does all it's supposed to, though."
    I snorted, then asked, "What do you do now?"
    "Well, I'm all but useless on the farm and most other things. So on Angie's suggestion, since I finished school I've been doing a few courses to learn to assist other country guys with disabilities or who've suffered abuse or bullying. I’m 'specially keen to help lonely gay guys, whether in a wheelchair or not. When Angie mentioned a bit about you, I wanted to meet and chat, maybe learn a few things to work on. I don't have any gay friends, apart from some cyber ones I've met on the wankin' sites on the net, so it's good to meet you and hope we'll stay friends. Anyway, I'm thinking of creating a friendship network for guys to meet guys, and do things together, such as camping and fishing and wheelchair games and all that. You know, there's some government funding to help disability support groups to start up."
    "Sounds a great idea," Drew said. "I can see you in the Sydney Mardi Gras, The Gay Wheelies. "
    "Shit, that's not a bad idea."
    "Bradleeee! No swearing in my home, pleeeeeeeease!"
    "Oh shit, sorry Angie," he replied, winking at us.
    After dinner, I related the wet dream story to Brad. Drew finished, telling Brad to listen in, declaring to Angie, "My hand caused those two spots and heaps more," adding, "dunno how I missed 'em in the lick-up."
    "What would you like to drink?" Harry asked, after ushering us to seats on the verandah of his immaculate old Heritage-listed sandstone home.
    On arrival, he introduced us to his wife and Albert and his wife, then showed us around his manicured gardens and stables dating back over one hundred and fifty years. "Now," he almost whispered, "is the time to enjoy the sun settling to rest for the evening." He said he always sat in wonder at the scene and I could see why, as the sun's rays accented the rows of poplar trees bordering his long drive and the willows bowing gracefully to the creek and the white backs of the sheep spotting the lush paddocks.
    "Let's move inside before the chill sets in," he announced as the early veils of a cold evening formed in the hollows of the landscape, "I'll outline an idea I've been ruminating upon."
    After we settled in the Chesterfields, he began by saying, "As Albert knows, I've contemplated stepping back from my business interests for some time. My motive is not a matter of wish. I'm forced to this decision because of my failing eyesight, which will eventually hinder my abilities to conduct the affairs of the practice properly.
    "Virtually all my clients date back generations to our years at the local school and my early days in practice. They are lifelong friends, not purely business clients. Their children and subsequent generations of families have followed as friends and clients. I've built the business on these types of close personal associations. They are critical to its ongoing success. For those reasons, I ruled out selling or merging or risking taking in a stranger as a partner during my succession considerations.
    "Instead, I chose to wait to view and assess any likely candidates that happened my way, those having the necessary qualities to attend to the matters of my present and future clients in the manner they expect. Particular qualities I've sought are a genuine personal caring attitude, dedication, interest, and the need and willingness to practise law in this district, apart from all the usual character traits such as honesty, trust, integrity and so on. In a way I suppose, my expectations and standards are similar to Alex's father's, looking upon his son to continue his dynasty."
    Harry narrowed his gaze on Jim and continued. "Fortune may have favoured me recently, for I believe I've finally found a person who may be eminently suited to carry on my endeavours."
    I felt a shiver creep up my spine and

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