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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
the thought because Casey snorted and the smile he wore on his face was anything but happy-go-lucky, all cynical and damn near cold.
    "Could you ever think of anything else?" Casey looked at him, brown eyes narrowed and the smile slowly fading off. "I mean seriously… Don't you ever get enough?"
    "I suppose not," Jared shrugged and leaned his hip against the bureau lined up next to the sink and the refrigerator. Casey stood still, hands against the sink and hard eyes on Jared, but he didn't really need to say anything to point out how completely pissed off he was. For what, Jared had no idea, but he figured this wasn't going to be another lazy Saturday morning.
    "You're angry."
    "You think?"
    "Mind telling me why? Because for some reason I can't seem to keep up."
    "Oh, am I being too articulate for you, Jared?" Casey asked, his voice malicious and sarcastic. "Wanna stick your cock in my mouth again to keep me quiet?"
    Jared opened his mouth to tell Casey to shut the fuck up, but he couldn't, because the gleam he saw in those eyes wasn't really that pissed. It was more like something burning and boiling and pushing against the surface; shading the words coming out of Casey's mouth, and he was now even more bewildered with what he was seeing.
    "Do not call me that! You know I hate it when you do, so can you please stop?" Casey rubbed his eyes with the sole of his hands in a fast movement before dropping his arms and taking a deep breath. "I am not a 'case'; I'm not something you can file under the tag 'disposable' when you don't feel like having me around you. I'm a fucking human being with a name, so if you could just comprehend enough through those sex-blinded thoughts of yours and actually call me by my name. Okay?"
    Jared nodded slowly; completely stunned after the fast line of words and the appearance of Casey that was so out of his normal way of being. What the fuck was going on?
    "If it's about last night… that I forgot, and that I went out with someone, and–"
    "It's not about you forgetting, because you always forget. And it's not about you going out with someone else, because I guess you do that all the time too," Casey snarled and turned to face Jared.
    "What the fuck is up with you, Casey ?" Jared asked, actually a little pissed himself, because sure he'd fucked up, but it was just good manners to point out the problem before lashing out, and so far Casey had done none of the pointing out.
    "You know…" Casey suddenly blurted, ignoring Jared's question and looked straight at him. "It is about you forgetting and you going out with someone else. It's about the simple fact that you do in fact always forget, because you just don't give shit. You don't care; you don't listen when I talk, not to what I say, because you just don't care enough to hear me."
    "What the hell are you talking about?" Jared asked and pushed himself off of the bureau. "When have I not heard you? It's a fucking birthday, Casey, not the foundation of your being, so what the hell are you getting so worked up about it?"
    "When have you ever heard me?" Casey mumbled and took a step closer. He stood in the little aisle between the kitchen islet and the fridge, one hand held against the edge of the islet and the other on the stainless steel door, his whole form colored with fury and its entire anomaly made Jared close to smiling. This wasn't his Casey, the one who was always mellow and soft, smiling most of the time, except for when they watched some sappy film, because then he was always close to crying. But Jared liked that too, just as much as the mellow-Casey. But this pissed, I'll-rip-your-head-off-if-you-look-at-me-the-wrong-way-Casey he didn't like. Not one bit.
    "I told you two weeks ago that I have something planned, and last weekend too. And three days ago, and I was, for some stupid reason, convinced that you would remember, but you didn't. Wanna know why? Because you don't listen."
    "Fine," Jared muttered, willing to give in this one time to just end the agony of having to continue hearing this. "I fucked up, I forgot, I didn't listen. Happy? Now just stop nagging and cool down and we'll do something today. Whatever you had planned, okay?"
    But he soon realized his sorry excuse of an apology wasn't going down that smoothly when Casey stood up, eyes wide open before narrowing again and if what he'd had on before was malice, this was something close to homicidal.
    "Well… have you heard yourself

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