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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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anything; feeling. He could manipulate his way out of any situation, but if there was even a fraction of an emotion tangled somewhere between him and whoever he wanted to get away from, the manipulating became too difficult to complete. And now that he was still in Casey's kitchen with the remains of the dinner Casey had made for him, there was really no point in pretending it was just a fraction of an emotion he had in him. It was helluva lot more. So much more in fact, that the anger he'd felt drained right out, leaving him sore and raw and feeling like he was the biggest shithead on the face of the earth.
    "Oh shit," Jared muttered, out loud to no one.
    It wasn't that he didn't care, because he did. At least enough to now feel like his heart was being scooped out when he remembered Casey's voice, remembered the sadness and the look on his face. After months, very good months to be precise, this was the first time he'd seen Casey displeased. And much to Jared's surprise, seeing Casey displeased was one of the worst things he could imagine. He wanted to see Casey smiling, wanted to hear Casey laughing. Even tears were okay if they were there because he was happy or because he'd been teased into a sensory overload.
    "Shit!" This time a bit louder though there was still no one to hear him, but it took some of the steam out to lash out to the silence. How come hadn't he seen this coming? This wasn't exactly 'the talk' but close enough and to think that he actually let Casey just walk out without working through this was hurting his brain in a way he'd never thought could even be possible.
    Jared looked around in the kitchen, saw the dishes and the ice cream box and the flowers that were on the table but his eyes got fixed on the ropes still lying on the floor. For once, they'd held him down instead of Casey and as he now went through what he had just blurted out while being tied; Jared was starting to think he'd lost the capacity of his brain function all together.
    Whatever keeps you quiet and concentrated on my cock, is always more than welcomed.
    "Oh god…" He was getting sick, as in physically ill with his own stupidity. How's that for not listening, for not hearing? For not having anything other than sex on his mind and not really giving a shit?
    No wonder Casey felt the way he did. Actually, Jared was surprised Casey had lasted as long as he had, because no way did Jared deserved someone like Casey with his present performance. He walked up to the chair, picked it up and placed it next to the table, then did the same with the other chair before picking up the ropes. Casey had said it should tell him something that he had to be tied down to listen, and had he been right… If Casey had started off with this twisted little convo in any other circumstances, Jared would've probably bolted out after two words, again implicating just how little he cared.
    Jared recalled the night before, the club and the guy talking to Casey. Just talking and yet Jared had gone from zero to hundred-and-twenty in a split second. More than jealous, because jealousy doesn't twist your brain and make you think of ways to torture a human body. If someone just talking to Casey, flirting even, made Jared feel like a loose cannon, how the hell did Casey feel when he obviously thought Jared fucked every person that came along? Not that Jared had given him any reason to think otherwise, again because he didn't think it mattered, didn't care enough to make that little line of truth obvious for Casey as well.
    Yeah, such a fucking shithead.
    But they weren't done, now were they? The conversation wasn't over and Casey hadn't said anything as final as 'get the fuck out of my life', so he could fix this. Maybe. Perhaps, if he'd suck it up and if he'd get his head out of his ass and see straight for one fucking second without thinking about how to get Casey in bed for the moment, he'd get the guy in the same room with him again.
    Yeah… then he could fix it.
    It was almost nine o'clock when Casey pulled his car to the driveway. And his good intentions went flying out of the window when he saw Jared's car still parked where it had been when Casey had left in the morning.
    He turned off the engine and then just sat in the car with his keys still in the ignition. He'd hoped he would've have time to make some sense of it all before another confrontation, but apparently not. Why the hell was Jared still there? Couldn't he just act all cold

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