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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
    Argh! Screw my virtue like I want you to. I sigh.
    "Can I ask one more question?"
    " What , Fleury?"
    His tone indicates I have definitely ticked him off. Childishly, I feel better knowing I have annoyed him. He frustrates me just as much.
    "Are you still in financial trouble?"
    He flies out of the bed and stands over me, catching me off guard. I have to look up at him to keep eye contact.
    He growls, "Stay the hell out of my business."
    "Fine," I glare back at him. "I'll leave you alone. Even though half the time you're blistering me with scathing disdain and the other half you're begging me for re-assurance and giving off mixed signals. When you make up your fucking mind, let me know. I'll be here. I can't really go anywhere for the next few days anyway."
    "FUCK OFF!"
    Kiss me, you asshole!
    He storms out of the room. Goddammit!
    I can't escape my thoughts of Heath. The singular thought of coming in front of him last night keeps my sweatpants tented constantly throughout the day. I contemplate alleviating my insistent erection, but remembering his voice last night telling me to come just calls more attention to the fact he isn't here now to watch me. Even though I'm so damned horny I can't think straight, I don't want to come without Heath here to see what he does to me. It's a fuck-awful catch-22.
    When I do manage to focus, I work on final reports which are due soon. Drew checks to see if I need anything during the afternoon and gives me a questioning look when he spots the bulge in my sweats. I shrug. He has no interest in helping me with this particular problem.
    Heath still hasn't returned to the room by the time I'm ready to go to bed. Resigning myself to the fact he probably doesn't want to talk to me tonight, I roll over on my good side to sleep. And if I don't bother pulling the sheets up high enough to cover my ass, which faces the door, so sue me. I warned him I sleep in the nude. He can deal.
    I wake to a snicking sound. Still groggy from sleep, I attempt to roll over but I can't pull my arms down. I yank and hear a rattling sound. Something soft catches at my wrists. Grogginess gives way to panic as I begin tugging frantically. As I inhale to shout, a hand clamps down over my mouth.
    "Fleury, don't wake the whole house. I'm not going to hurt you. You're wearing your handcuffs."
    In my panic, it takes a few seconds for me to recognize Heath's voice. When my brain finally catches up with the situation, I stop panicking and look up at him, barely visible in the dark.
    "You've been teasing me with this gorgeous body of yours all fucking semester, sleeping naked, groping other men in our room, and undressing constantly to go masturbate in the shower. But waiting for me to walk in on that shameless performance last night was the final straw. Now it's my turn. Tonight, I'm going to tease you until you want to scream. And if you so much as utter a sound other than a whimper, I'm going to leave you hanging. All you have to do to get me to stop is to say anything . I don't mean the word 'anything,' I mean any word at all. Make a sound other than whimpering and I stop. Do you understand me, exhibitionist little slut?"
    My eyes flash I'm not a slut , but I nod without saying it. He removes his hand from my mouth.
    "I can tell what you're thinking, Fleury. You don't have to sleep around to be a slut. After the way you put yourself on display— craving release while I watched— I have every right to call you a slut, or a naughty minx, or anything else I want. Tonight you are mine, and you will be begging me to come before I'm done with you. And tomorrow night, you'll come back for more. And the night after that."
    Every word from his mouth electrifies me. His promises stoke the fire he lit in me last night, evident by my rigid erection.
    Oh, God, I am in so much trouble.
    Heath kneels just outside of my peripheral vision, staring down the length of my body.
    "Look at how obscene you are. Hard just from my words; cock like a spike. I haven't even touched you yet. Do you want me to… slut?"
    I crane my neck to the right to look at him, eyes narrowed.
    Don't call me that.
    He watches me in obvious amusement. His eyes seem pitch black in the low light filtering through the shaded window. Those eyes hold a wicked gleam within them.
    "Oh, you really don't like that, do you?" He scoots forward and runs a hand through my hair as he leans in to whisper, "Too bad.

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