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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
up there."
    Rafe turns to Connor. "Why don't you look around down here some more, let me know what you see?"
    "Sure," Connor says, surprised by the request. His talents have more to do with math and geometry than creative design or architectural history, though he's been at IMK long enough to at least know the basics. Maybe Rafe just wants Connor out of the way for a while.
    He takes his time wandering the house. It's a patchwork of different styles and designs, hopelessly outdated, but it's got a certain charm to it. If seventeen thousand square feet could be called charming. He finds the kitchen on the other side of the foyer.
    "Oh my god." The kitchen is...well, bright blue and yellow, for one thing. Tiled in fruits and flowers on every inch of counter and wall space for another. A giant fruit basket looms on the hood of the stove.
    "Takes your breath away, doesn't it?"
    Connor was too appalled by the fruit basket to notice the room was occupied. He locates the speaker leaning against the large country kitchen table under the bay window, hands in his pockets. Longish brown hair frames a pleasant face. Connor wonders if the guy's responsible for this monstrosity, but he's saved by a grin.
    "In horror, that is. I'm Julian." Julian steps forward and holds out a hand. "Walter talked me into designing this place."
    "Connor Davies." Julian has a nice grip, dry and not overly aggressive. "No chance you can start in here?"
    Julian laughs. "You can count on it. Are you here with Rafe?"
    Connor doesn't get the chance to reply. "Yes," he hears. Rafe's standing in the doorway, Ashburn just behind him. "Hello, Julian," he says, and Connor feels his eyebrows go up. That wasn't the friendliest hello.
    "Good to see you," Julian says. He seems unfazed by Rafe's tone. "You always did have good taste." He cocks his head. "You don't seem surprised to see me."
    "I parked behind your car."
    "That would explain it." Connor thinks he detects a hint of amusement before Julian says to Ashburn, "I have a few ideas I want to send you. I'll call you after you've had a chance to look at them, if that works. Nice to meet you, Connor." His gaze lingers on Rafe. "We need to talk. Can I call you?"
    A little stiffly, Rafe says, "That would be fine."
    Julian nods and leaves. An uncomfortable silence fills the room. Rafe finally says, "I didn't realize you'd hired Julian."
    "He's the best interior designer in the city," Ashburn says, looking puzzled by the interaction. At least it's not just Connor. "Why, will it be a problem?"
    "No," Rafe says after a pause so slight Connor could have imagined it. "Thanks again for meeting us out here. I think I have enough to start putting a few designs together."
    Ashburn beams, his former animation back in place. Clearly it's a default personality trait. "Splendid."
    "So that was my ex," Rafe says when they're back in the car.
    Connor turns his head in surprise. Rafe's expression is as unreadable as always, but he seems to be expecting a response. "I take it it ended badly?"
    "Not... entirely." There's a long silence. "I just wanted to reassure you that it won't affect the project. Julian and I have worked together professionally before."
    "Okay," Connor says, still floundering. Even if he's on the project, which apparently he is, it's not like he has any say in how it runs.
    "And I'm sorry if what he said made you uncomfortable."
    Connor thinks back. Oh. You always did have good taste. Too bad Julian was off the mark with that one. "It didn't."
    "Good," Rafe says after a moment's pause.
    They ride in silence for long enough that Connor's surprised to hear Rafe's voice again. "Do you mind if we make another stop? There's a project site I want to check in on."
    "Sure," Connor says.
    Rafe turns off Market to a neighborhood Connor knows from his morning run, a street lined with dark red Victorian rowhouses with black trim. The whole row was abandoned for years, boarded up and derelict. He'd seen the construction activity start months ago but never thought to look into it. He didn't realize it was one of IMK's projects.
    Rafe parallel parks with an ease that points to long practice. Connor's not sure why he assumed Rafe lived in one of the swank Center City high-rises with garage parking and valet, but he clearly knows his way around street parking.
    "The city bought this last year to turn into subsidized housing," Rafe says as they exit the car. "It was either that or tear the whole row down. They gutted it

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