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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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Wayne— shirtless, kissing and grinding on top of me, my hands inside his unfastened jeans, feeling up his ass. I don't spare much thought to Heath standing there— I mean, who doesn't have the common courtesy to back out and return later?— until he remarks, "This is my room, so unless you want my commentary on your performance in loud and scathing detail, Get. The Fuck. Out."
    Wayne jumps out of his fucking skin when Heath speaks. I guess he didn't hear the door open. I have never seen a guy move that fast. He grabs his shirt and runs out without even fastening his jeans back.
    After Wayne leaves, I lay into Heath for being an oblivious, unrepentant asshole. The whole damn house gets an earful of my business. And I'm not talking about the groaning from before. Somehow it's my fault Heath ignores all of the usual signs?
    Heath's guardian angel makes sure Drew prevents me from decking him. I owe Heath a black eye.
    When Heath finds the door to our room locked the next night, he yells loud enough for the entire house to hear, "Flower? Is your ass hanging out? Or is some guy's dick in your mouth? Is it safe for me to come in?"
    I throw the door open and declare in loud and cheery delight, "You can come in my mouth anytime you like, CJ. All you have to do first is ask nicely . Otherwise, I might bite ." Then I stand aside, holding the door open and motioning him in as if I'm a hotel doorman.
    I take immense pleasure in his gob-smacked speechlessness after my retort: eyes wide, mouth slightly open, staring at me in surprise, unable to utter a sound. It's priceless. He turns around quickly to walk down the stairs, but not before I see red blotches spreading up his neck and face. I hear the front door open and close.
    What the hell?
    That night after dinner, I sit cross-legged on my bed working on some reports for my advisor. The door opens and Heath walks in. I look up at him and nod without saying anything. He nods back and goes to his bed. I guess maybe that means truce?
    His strange reaction to my comeback earlier flashes through my mind and I find myself looking up at him as he works quietly. I see reminders of the adorable junior I got to know a few weeks ago, before Drew and the rest of the team showed up.
    I try not to get caught staring at him, but the more I try to focus on what I should be doing, the more I can't think about anything but Heath. I exhale and shut the book. I feel like jacking off, but that means taking a shower. So I start undressing.
    I've never been self-conscious about dressing or undressing in front of Heath before, but I am this time for some reason. I'm not even facing him as I grab a towel and wrap it around myself. When I happen to look up in the mirror, I can see Heath on his bed. He's not meeting my eyes in the mirror though. He's staring at my now towel-clad ass.
    I grab my shampoo and turn for the door. I really need that shower now .
    Things are awkward for the next few days. I don't know how to feel about Heath. I keep catching him looking at me when he thinks I don't see him, which can only mean he probably sees me doing the same thing when I sneak peeks. It's a strange limbo which neither of us seems to know what to do with but also neither of us is willing to break. When we're not at school or practice, we spend most of our time in our room pretending we're not looking at each other.
    Particularly when we're changing clothes.
    I need a lot of showers because of this. And more showers means I have to undress more often. It's a vicious cycle. It's also kinda fun teasing him.
    He hasn't said he minds.
    The outdoor track and field season starts in mid-to-late March. Heath also suddenly becomes surly— I mean really surly— around the same time and for no apparent reason. He bitches about the house, about the team, about their girlfriends, about practice, about not getting to run in the A relays like he does in Cross Country— all my fault, by the way— and particularly about the "dick-chaser" he lives with and has to compete against. After a couple of weeks of listening to it, the other guys are ready to kick his ass off the team and out of the house. And they designate me to talk to him about it. Lucky me.
    Drew and I exchange glances. Better me than anyone else , I guess.
    I think about what I should say as I wait for Heath to come home. I have no idea how I'm going to approach this.
    When he walks in the door, before he can even drop

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