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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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run. We hear the front door slam shut around ten minutes after we move the conversation into Drew's room, which suits me fine since I want to talk to Drew confidentially.
    "Drew, what can you tell me about Heath from last semester? Anything out of the ordinary?"
    "You askin' for gossip? You hate gossip."
    "Not that I want to gossip, but he hasn't been himself since I got here— well, he is now you're here— and I'm trying to put pieces together. As much as I hate it, the gossip may help."
    "Like the rumor he's bi?"
    "Really? Where'd the rumor come from?"
    "He hasn't brought a girl here an' last semester he had that room all to himself, for one."
    I can't find fault with this point. I know what most of us would have done with a room to ourselves. And Heath has a history with several women. Some of the guys call him Don Juan.
    "For two, someone said they saw him kiss a guy, but details're sketchy, so it's still just a rumor. No one's cared enough to ask him."
    "Hmmm. Maybe, maybe not. He might just have other things on his mind. Hey, did you see his room at all last semester? Was it like a dump?"
    "Naw, man, was clean the few times I saw it. He kept the door closed lots though, 'specially 'round finals."
    "I could barely walk into the room when I got here three days ago. Every bit of clothing he had was dirty, and there wasn't any food in the house. I think…"
    I hesitate to share my suspicion because it's so personal, but if I'm right, I'm going to need the help.
    "You think what?"
    "I need you to keep this secret, okay? I swear to God I will find a way to beat your ass to a pulp if this gets out, you got it?"
    "Yeah, man. What's wrong?" I can hear the honest concern in Drew's voice. He gets it.
    "I think he's in serious financial trouble. I don't think he had money for food or laundry. I think he stayed here over the whole Christmas break by himself. I don't know what's going on in addition to that, but he's a lot thinner than I remember him being last May. Is he running well?"
    My scholarship doesn't include cross-country, which is why I got to study abroad last semester without any problems from the university. Heath did run last semester.
    "He's been struggling this year. Not slow but distracted. Hasn't won much," Drew offers.
    I nod. His assessment seems to fit with my theory.
    "You think it might be gamblin' or some serious shit like that?"
    I pause to give the possibility some thought. The more I think about it, the more it doesn't feel like the right fit though. The whole situation feels more like resignation than desperation. I also don't think he could've hidden gambling debts from the house for this long.
    "I don't think so, but I don't know. He's still got lots of electronics in his room, so he doesn't seem to be hocking anything to pay off bad debts, but I just don't know." My gut tells me gambling is not the right answer. I wouldn't ask Drew to get involved otherwise. "I need your help, D-man."
    "Anythin', Fleury."
    "I'm trying to make sure he has what he needs without being obvious about it. Keeping toilet paper, toiletries, laundry detergent, school supplies, and particularly food available so he doesn't have to worry about buying them or starving anymore. Can you help me with that?"
    "Sure, man, you know it."
    "Thank you. Whatever it is, if it involves money, just try to find a way to help him get out of it, especially if he looks like he's floundering for an excuse. I just don't want to raise any suspicion that's what we're doing though. His or anyone else's."
    Drew holds up a fist and I bump it with my own. Whether Heath knows it or not, we've got his back. He may be an annoying, cocky jackass, but he's never been a bad guy.
    The semester starts out okay. Heath receives his scholarship payment at the beginning of the semester. He chips in for groceries with everyone else, like we always do for the team house. He's frugal, skipping out on eating anywhere except the school cafeterias on the meal plan. If any of the guys try to pressure Heath into eating out with them, Drew or I often say we're heading the same direction he is. Whenever Drew or I go shopping, we ask around to see if anyone needs anything so it doesn't ever seem like we're doing it specifically for Heath, even though we are.
    A couple of weeks after the semester starts, Heath ignores the handkerchief I tied to the locked doorknob of our room and the groaning going on inside it, so he gets an eyeful of pizza cutie— his name is

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