Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey
Love Means … NO Boundaries
“No I’m not.” Robbie could hear the disbelief in Joey’s voice.
“Yes you are.” Robbie slid his hand down Joey’s hip and across his belly. “I like this spot, right here.” Joey laughed slightly as Robbie tickled him before capturing his tasty lips again. “Besides, it’s not how you look on the outside that counts. It’s what’s on the inside that matters.”
Robbie began kissing again in earnest, slowly rocking back and forth, his cock sliding on Joey’s skin. Don’t abandon me . He kept kissing as their erections continued rubbing together, sliding along hips and stomach. I’m not helpless . The intensity increased as Robbie feasted on Joey with his mouth, hands, and body, excitement building as they rocketed toward release. I can do anything . The surge of adrenaline with this last realization brought Robbie to climax, a silent cry swallowed within Joey’s own.
Robbie let himself go and felt Joey catch him, drawing him close, lips kissing gently, adoringly as they both struggled to catch their breath. “Don’t do it again,” Robbie chastised softly.
He felt Robbie smile against his lips. “I won’t.” He was encircled by strong arms and drawn against warm skin. A cloth cleaned him, and the warmth returned as the sheet was drawn over them. “I promise.”
Robbie heard the soft, meaningful tone in Joey’s voice, leaving so much unsaid. He knew what Joey was thinking, because he was thinking the exact same thing. He wanted to say it— they were just three little words—but he didn’t. He was going home in less than a week, and everything would change. He heard Joey mutter his “I promise” again, and this time Robbie answered, “Me too.” The bed shook as Rex jumped up, curling near Robbie’s feet.
He waited a few seconds and heard soft mews followed by 101
Andrew Grey
scampering signaling that the kittens had joined them in bed as well.
“Have you thought about names for them? There’s a boy and a girl.”
“How about Mimi and Marcello. I just love La Bohème .” Joey laughed richly. “Mimi and Marcello, it is.” Settling them on the bed, Joey held him close, and it wasn’t long until the dog’s soft breathing was joined by their own.
Love Means … NO O Boundaries
w ke
e wi
w th Robbie
e in his ar
a m
r s. To
T day
y wa
w s
a thei
e r
r las
a t day
g t
e her.
r To
T morr
r o
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w morning
g he’d
’ hav
a e
e to tak
a e
e Robbie e bac
a k
c to the
c ool so he e co
c uld ca
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a ch
c the
e bus that a wo
w uld tak a e
e him aw a a
w y.
y He
e tri
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not to let
e himsel
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p et
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f that
a he’
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e most of f the
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e they
y had
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a . To
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y d
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r dden
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T i
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a m
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’ ri
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e the
r c
a t
c or
r toge
g t
e her
e .
r Joey
y had ev
e en
e let
e Robbie
e dri
r ve
e the
e tra
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a t
c or.
r Wel
e l,
e d
’ had
a Robbie
e sit on his lap a an
a d toget
e her
r they’
y d
’ dri
r ven
e the tractor. With ea
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a h
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w ex
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e ce
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e a
a ro
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f hot ex
e plora
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a ive
e sex
e once
y wen
e t to bed
e . Th
T e
e man wa
w s
a tru
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y a
a dare
r d
e ev
e il.
a ar
a e
r yo
y u thinking ab a out?”
” He
e hea
e rd
r Robbie’
e s
’ slee
e p
e y
y sigh
g ed
e . “T
“ h
T e
e fac
a t
c that
a yo
y u go
g home
e tomorr
r o
r w.
w ”
” He
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r a
e l
a ly
didn’t wa
w n
a t to think ab a out it too har a d
r . Th
T is wa
w s
a thei
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r las
a t day
g t
e her,
r an
a d he
e wa
w n
a ted
e to en
e joy
y ev
e er
e y
y minute
e of it. “I
I though
g t we
c uld go
g ri
r ding
g this morn
r ing
g an
a d swi
w mming
g this after
e n
r oon.”
e s
’ phone
e inter
e r
r u
r pted
e him, an
a d he
e cr
c i
r nge
g d as
a Robbie
answered his mother e ’
r s
’ ca
c l
a l. Ov
O er
r the
e las
a t two
w we
w e
e k
e s, he’
e d
’ bec
e o
c me
Andrew Grey
accustomed to what he referred to as Robbie’s pants alarm. That woman always seemed to call at the most inconvenient moments.
Crossing his hands behind his head, he waited for Robbie to finish the call and then found himself surrounded by the body of the cutest man he’d ever met in his life. “You were
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