Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
(High Times)
Steve R.
Steve Solomon
Susan L.
Taylor (Kind Seeds)
Ted B.
Ted Zitlau, RIP
Tigrane (Mama Editions)
Tim G.
Tom (Sinsemilla Tips)
Tom Flowers (Marijuana Flower Forcing)
Tony (Sagarmatha)
Tony B.
Uncle Ben
Wally Duck
Wayne O.
Wernard Bruining
Willie (Hanfblatt Tuner)
Winnie (Grow!)
Wismy (Yerba)
Yorg, Swiss
Ztefan (CannaTrade)
Countless growers and cannabis afficionados (that were not named above) helped with this book. They provided valuable input and support over the last 20 years to make this book possible.
The War on Drugs
The War on Drugs in “America, Land of the Free” is out of control. This War on American citizens and many other unfortunate souls around the world continues to be driven by fear and misinformation that is spun by numerous US and foreign government agencies.
The War on Drugs concentrates on encarcerating cannabis users and is headed by a drug czar.
Czar is defined by Webster’s Dictionary, as 1. A former Russian emperor. 2. An autocrat. 3. Informal. One in authority: Leader. From these definitions we know that a Drug Czar is not one to listen to any opposition. Is this the basis of democracy?
The most infamous American Drug Czars include: William Bennet (a tobacco smoker, alcohol drinker and compulsive gambler) General Barry McCaffrey (the most decorated US General and instigator of failed “anti-cannabis media propaganda”), and John Walters (a career bureaucrat who labels peaceful cannabis consumers as terrorists). All past and present Drug Czars profess “high moral standards.”
Many official Government and private reports have recommended legalization or decriminalization of cannabis including:
1928: Le Dain Commission (Canada) recommended to decriminalize or legalize small amounts of marijuana.
1972: the Safer Commission, appointed by President Nixon, reported that laws regarding marijuana should be decriminalized. Nixon rejected that recommendation, and instead endorsed the creation of the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
1990: California Advisory Panel (appointed by the State of California) recommended that California legalize marijuana. State Attorney General John Van de Kamp refused to publish the report.
2005: The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition report is released. The Harvard University report by 500 US economists headed by economist Milton Friedman endorses legalizing and taxing cannabis.
Cannabis has been used medicinally for more than 10,000 years. Cannabis is being legally dispensed medicinally in 10 US states, Canada, the Netherlands and Spain. Still the US Government classifies cannabis as a Schedule I drug along with heroin as having no medical value.
The July 30, 2004 editon of the Seattle Times reported “Marijuana smuggling case first local use of Patriot Act provision. The US attorney in Seattle, WA charged 15 people in a marijuana smuggling operation. The undercover snitch, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, posed as a middle man who actually smuggled money from the US to Canada.
The alleged cannabis and money smugglers were charged under the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was passed into law in the US in order to thwart international terrorism after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York City. However according to US attorney Todd Greenberg in Seattle, “there is no indication these defendants are connected to terrorism.”
Here are a few well documented facts:
This confirmed information for the year 2000 in the USA is from: http://www.drug .
88.6 percent of arrests in 2001 were for possession only.
With ever increasing prohibition we are growing more cannabis around the world than ever before. Most of the photographs and much of the information was collected outside of the USA. The cannabis laws in the “Land of the Free” are some of the most horrifying and repressive in the world. However, with the artificial “cannabis price support program in a free market” spawned by the US government, the rest of the world is benefiting. Growers from all over the world, including the ones that are willing to risk their freedom and assets in the USA, are able to cash in on this defacto program.
Here is how the program works. Cannabis is illegal. This creates an
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